Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/1147

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a . '3] : Nes (privately) suggests that this 

might be abbrev. fr. n'TJT.

l a , 1. 17 : recorder. Rather, probably, the 

(king's) reminder, who brought important business to his notice: cf. Ew Gesch - '"• 385 ' "• '"■ ^ Ke 2 S 8. 16 Benz Arch. 310 Nqw Arch. i. 308 gjj. 1 K i. 3_

a . "OT : against Schwally's view see 

JPeritz Womau lu the Ancient Hebrew Cult. JBL xvll (1898). Ill It.

a . JTO]: cite also (sub l)-^f» Bftty 

"'??? Jbi3 12 your memorial words are ashen sayings (i.e. worthless), cf. BuDu; Margolis (privately) suggests that © seems to have lead -Sn6 bmz) [1<BJfJ] Dy:- your exultation shall be like ashes.

a . 09J ad fin.: the text of Pr 30 32 is 

questioned by Frankenberg Toy al.; v. on II. feu, 6i4 b infr.

b . IBID, 1. 3: r d. in Je 1 1" altogether 

Tinsn ^bye vuy trip ■*>» D*TWi nteio nnby. — fgl; Mand. ]N3T, v. No" la ; on OPers. origin v. BAram.

a . III. "IDT: Ar. ...j is urge urith chiding, 

reproof, Xli thing involving blame (if not pro- tected, defended); this hardly supports meaning choice products for 111. "TlDl.

b . DSJ 2 is prob. denom. fr. Djn (v. Buhl). 
b . pyj Niph. : = be called out for military 

service, pass, of Hipli. 1 ; cf. GFM Ju,8:B .

a . I. [PPJ] : perh. prop, strain or filler 

through, cf. Jb 36 27 Is 25 s .

b . %?})•, prob. = Bab. Zer-Bdbili= off- 

spring of Babylon, oft. in Inscr. (Mey E,Judv ). b. [-nj] . -nin. 2 k 4 *> om . © . GrBur think MT arose (by'dittogr.) fr. "WOfa T^!i.

a , 1. 11 fr. below: rd. ' D"m EcgV 
a i>in 2, 1. 2 from end: add 'Jbio 20 

(but rd. here prob. *^J "^ © @ Bi Bu Du).'

1 '. [Tin]: Ph.isonly-nn,JTnn(temple- 

or sepulchral) chamber (Lzb 2 ' 1 Cooke 126 ); Ez 2 1 19 is best explained from Syr. »««. go about, surround, ».*• around. It seems uncertain whether Tin, Ph. Tin chamber, Ar.Jji curtain, cltamber, tent, etc., are (ultimately) fr. this V (as something surrounding) ; or (Buhl) from II. "nn=iJ.i 11. conceal behind curtain, con- ceal, confine, iv. conceal oneself, also abide, stay, remain behind (Lane 70 "), Eth. tAdi abide, dwell (Dr, privately, Nov. 1 905).

b . Tin , 1. 3 : "7-i.CC: is not ' chamber,' but 

(fr.v "}.£<£: dwell) dwelling-place, abode, tent.

a , 1. 11 fr. below: omit ' n^ino Is 51" 

(which belongs to I. <V n ).

b . tWtan : c f. Nab. HTBn, Cooke" 5 . 
a . n f |, ? n; alw. c. art. 
b . rVIO^n, 1. 6 : the ref. is to Job's suffer- 

ings (from which as little joy comes as from eating unsavoury food, so now Comm. generally), rather than to the unpalatable words of his friends. It is doubtful whether Di's reason for preferring purslain to %. Njtopn yolk of egg('n "VI slime of yolk, i.e. the white of the egg) is con- vincing, viz. that ancient Hebrews did not keep hens, or that of De, viz. that white of egg is not slime, and is not unpalatable ; mug. yolk preferred also by Da Bu Du.

a , 1. 1 2 : rd. ' + 25 t. in Ch., + (of royal 

officials) 1 Ch 28V

a . nxpn : on mode of making lebben, by 

shaking milk in sour milk-skin, v. Doughty Arab. Des. 1. 221. 263,- II. 30». etc. Thomson L "" d ,ml Book "' 41S . See also ARSK K » c '- Blb - > "". — After 'INtsri ins. as new article : 'tDNDTO n.f .pi. curd-like things= smooth, hypocritical, words, only cstr. V3 'D ^ppn j, 55" smooth are the butter-words of his mouth (Ew De Hup), but read prob. (VJS) VS Tkong ()pbn his mouth (face) is smoother than curds (Vrss Ki Thes 01 CheBaeWeDu[nNDriD]).' — 1. 2 fr. below : add ' + 39 12 ' after iTffin. 329 a , 1. 5 : after Vog No12 " ins. ' = Cooke N. 8«in. Inscr., No. 136 . J^b Ephero. II (1906). 580 '

a , 1. 28 : after ' Dr) ' ins. ', c. _ DS Gn2 4 4 V 
b . Bef. ?bn ins. l t[?pn] v h. only Niph. 

denom. Impf. 3 ms. [DIT Is 23 18 be treasured up, hoarded (|| ISK;.).'

b . ILHWl: cf. No ZMO,v " (,903Mli . 
b . 70, 1. 16, for run rd. n«, and so 

seven lines below.

b . I'D 2. Here also T*?n ^ 77 18 . 
a . I. Tin end : add ' 42 s niJrnn for 


l a , 11. 1, 2 : rd. '1. ih, v. II. Tin ; 11, in. 11,111. -nn.' — Before I. [3nn] ins. ' + [<"WnD°] nf - onl y pi. cloaca, cess-pool; — DINiriD 2 K 10 27 Kt (Qr niNSiD).'

c 2

4 C 2