Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/1148

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b . II. 3nh, I.3: after Zp2 u add '(but 

rd. 3nJ>,©Weal.).'

a . [Db"inj : the fact that the word is alw. 

appUed to Egypt, magicians, exc. Dn 2 2 (late), suggests Egypt, origin, but no agreement among Egyptologists: Harkavy JA "- ,S70> "•"-*""■ 169 prop. x ar > speak + turn, hidden = teller of hidden things; Wied Suami ** thinks Heb. word perh. imitating an Egypt, cher-tem-t, lie who holds the book; FCCook -8pe * kerVCom, " , - , - S79 prop. cher-lum = bearer of sacred words.

  • I. [11H] : Hiph. 1. inj J e 6 M from

•v^iru snort, puff, ace. to Mich Ew Gf Gie al., — not Du. b. 11. [in], 1. 2 : cf. No ZMG1 " 1(1903) " 6 ; and 1. 5 : del. ' 6 17 13"' before ' Je 27 s0 .'

a . niDir^TVpin Jeio 2 : v. Baldensperger 

pkf not, 136 on (.jj e crushing of potsherds in the Valley of Hinnom.

l a . II. [2nn] : add ' Hithp. Impf. 3 mpl. 

IBhnn^ J u 16 2 and they kept quiet.'

a . [nnri] : nrn j e 21 13 v. nru. 

— 11. 6, 5 fr. below : in Je 14 4 rd. prob. with Du (after @) Co Dr Wp 'm H33H.

  • . I. ^?0 : add ' Niph. Pf. 3 mpl. £«M

Jos 3 15 be dipped, 3 of water.'

  • . * : note that the word includes (or

implies) women as well as children, in foil.: Gn 47 ,J Ex 1 2 37 (E), io 10 - 2 * (J), Nu 3 2 16 -' 7 (JE ; cf. Di on v 26 ).

b . 5>3FI, 1. 12 : before ' 89 12 ' ins. ' +.' 

k T end: add, for T nPlFlD, 2 K8 M (=2Ch2i 81 V3 5 i7 7 -

a . [HT], 1. 1 2 : Palm. xnT 1 pious, read 

Nm'(n3) SAC ">, also Id. 3<i ,904 - «°. b. pnjl Li; ? c f. X n»p + 1 1«, IW Ec 5'°. ". Before 'T)i< ins. ' tryi" v. sub ni.T ; VfC v. II. DDV Hoph.' b. Bef. VV ins. |p, Voi Pu. Pt. pi. D*?f O Je 5 8 Qr, v. [pt], p. 266".

  • . in: 2 (4) : Jb 17 16 rd. nnj for fin: ( v .

Addenda, on pp. 94b, 629°); "!fV here will then belong to (1).

s . [?nj] Pi. : add ' 3. caus. make to hope 

ty 1 I9 W (sf. pers.),' and, under 2, 1. 2, del. ' "• ' and ins. '^ 147".'

b , 1. 2 fr. below : ins. ' ^ 33V 

". Bef. ftty] ins. ' b in Judah I Ch 4 17 ; © AfMBK, A ®L aav.' b. Q> : f Mediterr. in pi. Dn 1 1" [cf. 8 d] Hi Ke Meinh Bev Dr (world-encircling seas Behrm).

a . n£ : c f. also Ar. «lij vessel Gn 42 s5 

Saad, cf. Baldensperger PKF 19M| M , who cp. Mod. Ar. wa'd (LcJ).

19». Bef. I. [*]£] ins.' 11^ Isi5 5 v. I. [TV] 


a . "HJJ end: Zc 14 6 'but' is very dub.; 

rd. prob. ni"lj31 Din there shall be neither heat nor cold, etc. (We al.).

a . rtB$ ad fin.: add 'see nto(K)-) 1 c, 

p. 928b.'

b ervn : on mng . ; v . AKSK En= y .B lb .w>». 

(Iv. 5307 D ". Bef. [V&] ins. 'W v. &.' ». Bef. WVh ins. ' "$y$ adj . gent, of fore- going, 1 Ch 27 s9 .' b. nnfl* : GF1I (Dec. 28, 1899, privately) points out that fat parts are alw. disting. from this; cf. now on TTfff Id. 84 ™™* 1 * 4206 and esp. Id orie n ui. stud. iarTh.Noid e ke aw, 76i jW h e re it is shewn to be the caudate lobe of the liver. b. I. [ni33] : ^45" belongs to 11.1133 2 ; cstr. as Ges ' M1 d ; v. also ?3 1 a end.

b . liT 1 ? and 462 a . 1^?: v. note on 

W, 189b.

b ad fin.: [?}?], prob. Bab. loan-word, fr. 

kamdnu, cake used in worship of Istar, Zim KAT3.«l

a . I. 113, 1. 4 : j'ji means also a camel's 

saddle (or ' howdah ') with its apparatus, v. Frey Lane. — 1. pi] : for basket-saddle read < camel- palankeen; the palankeen, or tent-like erection, on the saddle (Burckh Bed0UlM * Dd w,hibJ "' 266 Doughty Artb. Dei. I. 437, II. .104 L ane Mod - E «JP l,,n, < 5 > "• 15s g, which seems intended here, is distinct from the basket or pannier (in which some women also travelled, Porter *»•*"■). ". ii. , 35?33 : add ' pi. sf. rpjy33 (si vera 1.) I S 2 3 8 (l|nnnb). ;

a . 1. 1D3, on orig. mng. cf. now Dr 11 *"" 8 

pioriTiATiox. a ] so As Jcuppuru^ purify (and deriv. takjnrtu) Zim KAT3 - 601f - Morgenstern 8 """ »"> • "•'• < MVG, IKS, 3) 44, 112