Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/216

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pn til" 1 "!, pl" 1 ^ — 1. city in Moab (MI 11 -* pH, cf. ib. 1 adj. gent. WWl)— pH Nu 21 30 32 3M (built up or at by Gad) Is 15 1; in territory of Gad, hence 11 ^ Nu 33 45 - 46 (cf. on these vv. & 32 s4 MI 10 '); also pan Jos 13 917 J648 11; Jtanna rOB* Je48 ,8; = P»"! Is 1 5 9 , vid. also fftTJ H » v 9 =Arnon, cf. Che & Hpt ZA1887 - a68;— mod. Dtbdn, north of Anion, cf. Seetzen B " aenl - ,0B Tristr L " ,do,Mo,bl32ff - Bd r * U9S . 2. fyi. Ne ii 15 place in Judah, toward south = ruton Jos 15 22 , cf. Hpt 10 -; conject. by Kn Ke (cf. Di) to be Tell ed Dheib (van de Velde "•-•*") called also Ehdeib (Rob 8 ""- 101 ). T>1 Xn v. sub nn. rrn v. sub nxi. YH v. sub nn. tjT.E'H = P ,,!! 1, q.v. tn^O""! = |i:p 2, q.v. T ^j" , '-T vb. judge (cf. Ar. ( T 3 S intrans. to be obedient, submissive, trans, requite, compen- sate, rule, govern, ^j obedience, abasement, recompense, *)us requiter, governor, jlIj X* ewy; As. d<2nw, Impf. idin, judge Asrb Ann - lil0 ' D1 HA49; Aram, p, .0? judge, exercise judgment, punish, X JP> U*t JM^^i K P> «l judgment, ]Jj!xIoo city,— on (Symbol missingsymbol characters)(Symbol missingHebrew characters) v. NöZMG 1883, 533 ), syn. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Qal />/. |*J Je 22", etc.; 7m/>/. PJ Gn 4a 16 + at., |*iT Gn6 3 cf. infr., etc.; Imv. H Pr3i 9 Jb35 14; «PJeai»; 7n/. P& + 5° 4 + 2 *.; Pt. PJ Gn 15" Je 30 13; — 1. act as judge, minister judgment, of God ioy pT Dt 32 36 (poet. = * i35 u ) * 5° 4; IWW p * 7 9 9° 10 Is3 13; P: 0*15*03 D'Sk!) ^ 9 9; Messianic king V7 22 - H. plead the cause, a. of men, usu. c. ace. cogn., 'HP PfTU tiWi is none to plead thy cause Je 30"; DVV pi 'T plead cause of orplian Je 5 18; P'3N1 '3y p 'l Je 22 16; also, ace. cogn. om., Pr 3 1 9 . b. of God, tw6jj »J« £<xf. Aa* pZ«* «iy cawse Gn 30 6 (E). 3. execute judgment, vindi- cate, in battle against enemies, toy PJ pj Dan will judge (vindicate as a warrior) his people (v. Di) Gn49 16 (poet.); the Messianic king D1J3 ^1 io 6; God, yjpn ^0^333 m <% might judge me (vindicate me) /r 54 s . 4. execute judg- ment, requite, of man, BB^O "IpS? ti^ execute judgment every morning Je 2 1 11; of God, upon Egypt Gn 15 14 (E); O'oy by means of powers of nature Jb36 31; ps "DBK 1 S 2 10 (poet.) 5. govern, WSVIN P? ^$ </«>w «Sb8 govern

n «iy 7 ioms« Zc 3". 6. DV P? ' ,3,, ~N<' 7(« cannot contend with one mightier than he Ec 6 10 . Miph. Pt. birif) • , Q3e'->33 pj nyrrb? sjjj aW aW </t« people were at strife throughout all the tribes of Israel 2 S 1 9 10 (reciprocal, cf. Dr.) Note.—ttyb D-1K3 inn pp6 Gn 6 3 is difficult. (1) © 93<g bnk rd. TIT or (Kue) f£» a6«rf« in, dwell, — J/y spirit will not abide in man for ever; this best suits the context, but "ftp, as dub. (2) Kn De Schr RVm render rule in, supported by Zc 3 7 only. (3) Thes Ew Di render be humbled in, sustained by Ar. usage, but not by Heb. (4) strive with of AV RV (cf. 6 supr.) is hardly justified. W23 n.[m.] judgment — Dt 17"+ 16 t.; sf.'P f 9 s , *IP Je 30 13;— 1. p XD3 throne of judgment Pr 20 8; pi nyDtrn D'Ott^D from heaven thou didst cause judgment to be heard ijr 76 9 . 2. cause, plea, p? p p3 between plea and plea Dti7 8; |H |H ^tead a cause Je S 28 22 16 30 13; p ntyy maintain the cause -fyc? 140 13; pi yT consider the cause Pr 29'; V3B7 pi <Ae ctmse is before him Jb 35 14; p nJB' change the cause Pr3i 5; D'h p» nisnb Isio 2; D1JV pn Jes 28; spn 1J3 23 p Pr 3 1 8 . 3. judgment, condemna- tion, IIVH pi judgment of the wicked Jb 36 1 '; BBB'Ol p judgment and justice v". 4. siri/%, pi>p1 pi Pr 22 10 (%a^ s<n/e, law-suit Str). 5. government, p*11 m Zaw; and government Est 1 13 . i^ote.— pE* pVnn fy»b Jbig 29 is variously explained. (1) AV RV that ye may know there is a judgment follow Aq Symm Theod, so DeDa, in interpreting {^relative + P judgment, but K> is unknown to the dialect of Job and p is used only in Elihu section. (2) © rds. CM, or r(r XU f (i.e. 'W (cf. 2 9 6 ©) t or 1B>?), & Qr p?*, indicating ancient uncertainty and a cor-

rupt text. (3) Ew Di rd.

the Almighty,

which accords with usage of Job. (4) Siegf fllf »■ (doubtfully). TH3 V 'I daughter of Jacob Gn 30 11 34 uj.i«.» 46 i5 til (judge) — 1. son of Jacob and Bilhah Gn 30 6 35® Ex i 4 Jos 19 47 Ju 18 s9 1 Ch 2 1 . 2. the tribe of Dan, JT. nap Ex 31 6 35 s4 38 13 Lv 24" Nu i 89 13 12 Jos 21 523 (all P); H '?. 3 Gn 4 6 23 Nu i 38 2 26 7 M io 25 2 6 42 34 s2 Jos ic, 49 - 47 - 47 - 48 (all P) Ju i 34 is 2 - 16 - 22 - 23 - 26 - 26 - 30;!"J njnp Nu 2 16 - 31 (P)— on JU13 26 18 12 v. n?np; finhEVt?Nu26 42 (P); H alone in poetry Gn 49 1617 m 33 ^ J115 17 , elsewhere Nu i« (P) Dt 27 13 1 Ch 27 s2 2 Ch 2 13 Ez 48 1 - 2 - 32 . 3. a city on northern frontier of