Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/308

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mt to draw the bow; Vyit |<3 D-tfnniK !g| 2X9", i.e. his arms seen from behind, his shoulders. b. arm as seat of (human) strength ■^■i8 3s = 2 S 22 35 ; ft *6 t Jb 26 J , in nta Dn 1 1 8 cf. v 6 ; ft t6 T Jb 26 s ; 't wpm Ho 7" cf. Ez 30 2425 ; also c. -I3B> f io ls 37" J648 25 (|| ["J)), Ez 3 o 21!l2 - 24 cf.v 25 ; "OBta mjTJ 'T Jb 3 8 15 .— On Mai 2 3 cf.VB. Esp. c. Yahweh's arm as instrument of deliver- ance and judgment (oft. Dt Je Is 2 ^) : — n^OJ 1 Dt 4 M 5 15 26 s Ez 20 3334 V, i 3 6 12 , cf. Dt 7" ii 1 iK8 42 =2Ch6 K (all || nijm T), Dt 9 29 2K17 36 ; (ofcreation)Je27 5 32 17 (all||i'na 03); iT^DJ 13 Ex6 6 (P, or D's revision; no H)*; ngtn ^*Jeai' (II "?«M ">:); IJmt ina Exi 5 ' 6 (son g )/t ^3^79"; uxtptun »yhj v^^dm:); 'J? ♦77"; i^ 44 < (Br°;),i B Hi> "» ^ 9 8 l (j|^o>) j 'cf.is52 10 ; ^y t vr

,1 cf.l8 62 8 (||i3 , D^); " i yillft"B'3|jIs 5 i3; 1«£ 

nni3rDV ^ 89"; in-iNSri 1 Is 6 3 i2 ; as support of weak Is 40" (fig. of shepherd), cf. obty njh] I*^ 27 ; n ¥T W"l n ™ IS30 30 (of lightning stroke, || l^p nin ycBTJ of thunder); also yiT D8 < $ ^? Jb 40 9 . Hence, 2. arm, as symbol of strength : a. human i S 2 31 - 31 (© rd. 15T)! and vil, but v. Klo Dr), Ez 22 6 31"; n^TJ J*B6Wn Pr3i 17 ; "IK"? T 2 Ch 3 2 8 ; teHj %3 DB> Je'i7 6 (||n03^ D1N3); c f. * 44 4 (||D3-in) T ; jn'ir e* K Jb 2 2 8 ; tWafr ntyij Jb 2 2 s (i.e. strength, resources); BW^2a|> jnit vn + 8 3 9 ; Q'ai 1 Jb35 9 ; nbina yit Ez 17 s (for pulling up a tree, in metaph.). b.=divine strength f 7i 18 (|| HTJOJ), n^O Mnj tf> l84O 10 (||PTPI); Vfyfc BHg ^ gI « [Str thinks masc. to avoid verbal ending H3, cf. 49 11 ]; and help Is 33 J (|| nye*) cf. 59 16 6 3 5 ; see also 53 1 . . PI. forces, political and military, c. VlbjF Dnn 1 " 1 ; v 22 (seeBev). . Shoulder of animal sacrificed, belong- ing to priest Nu 6 19 (P) Dt 18 3 . < V i^ W n.f . arm( =r foregoing c. N prosthet.) — arm of man HJjSO ^ihTKl S>ten nMBto 'BPS i-ou'n Jbsi 22 ; of * n^faj $"*$?* n^J T$p Je 32 21 , cf. fh] 1 c. ^L" J J] v t>- prob. drip (cf. either Ar. <_jji «foc7. tears, or Aram. ]&!&**) imber vehemens) — Hiph. "Hp rd. in f 72" by Hup Bi Che (for VTJ1) sq. J^N caw«e to (Zrip, irrigate. TF^pT n.[m.] drop, dripping (NH id.; on form (if genuine) cf. No M85 - N8191 ) — ^ 72" HJ* t D , 3 , 313 as showers, a dripping of the earth, but v. foregoing. ' p -I v ^' to toss or throw (in a volume), scatter abundantly (NH id.; Aram. P11 id., js» disperse; As. zanJAn* Lotz TP13S Jager BAS "- jmA-n..... cf als0 Ar _ ^rj carf a< piercei £~: and JVJ^. javelin= Eth. ^Ttefc)— Qal P/. 'r Ex 24 6 Lv 1 7 6 , sf. <P7J Ex 9 8 , np/]T. Ho 7 9 (1 2 t. Pf.) ; Zwp/. pit? Lv 7 2 + 1 6 1. ; 7w/ P*$ Ez 43 18 ; 7ww. pi] Ez 1 o 2 ; Pt. pit Lv 7 ", pi. tffnf 2 Ch 30 16 ; . <oss (in handfuls, v. Ex 9 s ; or from a bowl, PjPi opp. Hjn to sprinkle with the finger): a. cummin Is 28 s5 , dust, sq. by 2 Ch 34 4 Jb 2 12 , ashes nO'Ctfn, heavenward, Ex 9 810 (P), coals of fire Tyn by Ez io 2 . b. blood, n3TD(n) iiy «AroM) (from a bowl) against the altar Ex 24 s (JE), Lv 17 6 (H), Nu i8 17 (P), 2 K 16 1316 Ez 43 18 , esp. in the ritual, SOB n3tDH bv against the altar round about Ex29 ,6a) Lv i 511 3 2813 7 s 8 1924 9 ,218 (all P); sq. Dyn by Ex 24 s (JE), sq. nmron 2 Ch29 22 - 22 - 22 ; without designation of place Lv 7 14 (P), 2 Ch 30 16 35 11 . c. water for purification, sq. 7y, Hz^^. . intrans.(siveral.)Ho7 9 ia nT)} r TGfy D| grey hairs are profuse upon him (? rd. '"ID"?', as in 2 Ch 26 19 ). Pu. Pf PIT, ofwaterof purification^owec?. over (by) one defiled by a corpse Nu i9 13i!0 (P). TpW5 Na784 bowl, bason (prop, vessel for throwing or tossing a, liquid); 'dNu7 13 + I3t., pl.D^-ilDZc^ 20 , cstr.p.1tONu7 84 -f 2t., nip-i]0 Ne 7 70 +9 t., n'p-j]D Ex 38 s +2 1., sf. vn'p-iio Ex 27 s ; — 1. bowl for wine Am 6 6 . 2. elsewh. for use in ritual of sacrifice : a. for use at altar Ex 27 s 3 8 3 Nu 4" (all P), 1 K 7 4046 Je 52 18 Zc 9 15 1 4 20 . b. given by the princes full of flour mingled with oil for a WOO Nu -j'^.^^.a.n. »-«'-«"m»-m-»(P). c . golden basons for use in the temple 1 K 7 50 2 K 12 14 25 15 1 Ch 28 17 2 Ch 4 81I!B Je 52 19 . d. golden basons for the second temple Ne 7 70 . t P1J] vb. only Po. sneeze (cf. '(^i" 1 ^ X Jb 4 1 ]0 for Heb. Vr/t^py ; vb. prob. onomatop.) ; — D'oya y3B> ny nysn yfin 2 K 4 s5 . tunt wife of Haman Est 5 1014 6 1313 (ace. to Opp KBth - 25 =Pers. zaris, Zend zairis, la doree, cf. kiwiy aurum ductile,Yu nmh ; Jen voj,ieK,.« comi ; Elamit go ddess Kiriia). trnf n.f. span (NH id. (X M% Syr. JL») ; appar. fr. Heb.), etym. dub. ; Thes and most der. fr. V HIT, vid. OP 146 »> but also Sta' 187 *; g a 2MG 1887.M7 pr0 p_ y nnr measure jf t determine,