Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/318

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^n Carthage ; Aram. .JL and Chn j Ar. Cj^. be new, Eth. ih£(; i. 2. renew ; Sab. ninn, v. Os(Levy) z * Q1865 - 204 Moidt z,,a,87 ' i ' :!0 ; As. [addsu], uddils, renew, eski, new, etc. Dl WI99ir ) — Pi. Pf. ICHn consec. Is 61 4 ; Imp/. «?$$ 2 Ch 15 8 ; 2 ms. B'Unri Jb 1 o 17 ^ 1 04™ ; &S& 1 S 1 1 " ; lmv. cnn f 5 i'2 La 5 21 ; /«/ t^injj 2 Ch 24 412 ;— 1. renew, make anew !"Dvt3n 1S11" (editorial); HOIK »M f 104 30 , Pfln 5 i»(||ma)j=bringbaok Dip? 0*$J La 5 21 ; fly 'n Jb io 17 i.e. bringest fresh {new) witnesses. 2. repair, cities Is 61 *, temple 2 Ch 24 412 , altar 2CI115 8 . Hithp. Imp/. 3 fs. ennnn c . pi. subj. ^Jrtin f>?3 'n i/r 103° <Ay youth reneweth itself, like the eagle. t£Hn adj. new (on format, v. Lg BN48 ) — 'nabB.Exi 8 +iot.; f. VlfVI Lv2 3 16 + igt.; pi. cfvnn Dt32 ,7 +iot.; f. rrtehn i s4 2 9 48 6 ;-- neto, usu. a. attrib. Ex i 8 (E) a neto king; so of house Dt 20 622 , wife 24 s , cords Ju 15 13 i6 ,U2 , cart 1 S 6 7 2 S 6 33 (but del. in v", cf. We Dr)=

Ch 13', garment 1 K n", vessel 2 K 2 20 , 

wine-skins Joso 13 (JE) Jb32 19 , threshing instr. Is4 15 ; meal-offering Lv2 3 ,6 (H) Nu 2 8 26 (P); esp. (poet.) 'n "VE* a new song (of praise) ^ 33 3 4O 4 96 l 98 1 i44 9 i49 1 Is42 10 ;'nnn3Je 3 i 3l ;DW nenn pw nwn Is 65 17 cf. 66 s2 ; Tl DE> Is 62 2 ; Ti m a new spirit Ez 1 1 I9 1 8 31 36 s18 , + Tl 3.? 1 8* 36 s6 ; Tin "'-nyK' nna Je 26™ new gate of (house of) '*, cf. 36 10 (v. Gf Je 20 2 ); also Tm nsnn

Ch 20 5 the new court (v. Be Ot); CEhn (Wl^M 

Ju 5 8 new gods] judges] txt. prob. corrupt, cf. No 2 " 01888 - 477 , Mull K8nlB,1 '- st> "'-'-, GACooke Deb - 3 * ff - and Bu" 8 ' m , BS in Bla^"""; in gen. Tl"73 px ~Ec 1 9 there is nothing new ; with no subst. expr. T«5Hn "flan 2 S 2 1 16 grirf wit/* a new (sword : but txt. perh. corrupt, cf. We Klo Dr), of (food-)products of earth (opp. |B*) Lv 26 10 (H) Ct 7 14 ; CChn Dt 32 17 new ones (i.e. gods ; || «<3 3ii5») ; in gen. f. nenri a new thing Is 43 19 Je 31 22 , fpl. Is 42' (opp. niJ'B'Knn), 4 8 6 . b. very rarely predicate: of (Symbol missingHebrew characters)'s compassions (Symbol missingHebrew characters) La 322 they are new every morning; HBJ) 'n Hi33 Jb 29 20 my glory shall be fresh with me; WH 'n ni nK"l Eci 10 see, this is newl I. VHp 2g2 a.m. 0n7 -"(f.MT 3 8 24 but xn. Sam Di) (newness), new moon, month (on format, cf. Lg BKl44 ; on usage, names, etc.Muss-Arnolt jBLi»2.72<r..iao<r.)_/ n abg Gn7 n -|-; cstr. (rare) Gn 29" + ; sf. tehrj Nu 28" + 2 t.; Win Ho 2 13 Je 2 21 ; pi. D'BHH Gn 3 8 24 -|-; cstr. *gNj Ex 12 2 + 2t.; sf. vvin Jbi 4 3 +2t.; ByrR) Is i 14 Nu28"; D35?n0 Nu io 10 ; — tl. new moon= day, time, of new moon, as religious festival 1 S zo' 18 - 3427 - 34 (Dr); cf. Tl C&3* Ho 5 7 a new moon shall devour them, Hi St VB, but on txt. v. We ; usu. || rot? Am 8 s 2 K 4 23 Is 1 13 ( + Hh>

  • "Wi, ^l? 3 ^. n '3? 66 23 , Ez 46 16 (both

Tin Di'), 1 Ch 23 31 2 Ch 2 3 8 13 3 1 3 Ne io 34 (all + ijte), Ho 2 13 Ez 45 17 (both+jn, tjtio); || Tjto alone Is I 14 Ez 3 s ; ||U5.n tfflf 81 4 ; (cf. TH? tWl Nu io 10 28 11 ; on religious observance of new moon cf. Di 1 ""- 678 ' Benz Archiol » 69 ); as time of augury in Babylon (astrolog. prognost.) Is47 13 .t 2. month (as beginning with new moon, lunar month ; cf. Benz McbM - !» but then, without ref. to day of beginning): fa. as measure of time during which Gu 38 24 (J), Nu 1 i 20 - 21 (JE), 9 23 (P), Ju 1 1 373839 20 47 1S6 1 2 7 7 2S2 U 5 5 6" 24 813 = 1 Ch 21 12 , Am 4 7 1 K 4 7 tf™™™ „'« 2 K 15 8 23 31 24 s Ez39 1214 iCh 3 4 13 14 2 Ch 3 6 29 Est 2 121213 . In 1 S id" h rd. prob. ennDS for MT E»in03,andjointon 1 ,so@WeDr(cf.Gn38 24 ); in combinations, D'OJ Tl a month (of) time (cf. D"D» rTV Dt 21 1 2 K 15 13 ) Gn 2 9 14 (J), Nu'i i 2026 (JE), 'n ns?31N MC Ju 19 2 ; of age TriSDO number of his months— length of his life Jb 14 6 21 21 ; cf. esp. Tl"|3 Lv 27 6 Nus 15 - 22 - 28 - 34 - 39 - 40 - 43 18 16 26 s2 (all P).t "b. calendar months, t(i) with names ^3«n 'n Ex 13 4 23 16 34 1818 (all JE ; = istmo. I2 2 P), Dti6"; It Tl iK6 1 ( = 2ndmo. ib. ; =n rrv v 37 ) ; cf. s^yaE'n nn — D'jnxn itt;), »CJ'^n 'nn = ^3 nV); in the postex. books occur Babyl. names (v. the several words) : — [py 'n Ne 2 1 Est 3 7 (=ist mo. Est 3 7 ); ?Vp Tl Est 8 9 = 3 rd mo. ; "6d3 Tl Zc 7 1 Ne i 1 (= 9 th mo.Zc7'); nao Tl Est2 16 =ioth mo.; t33E* 'n Zc i 7 = 1 ith mo.; TIN Tl Est3 713 8 12 9 1 in all= 1 2th mo., 9*»jm«. ( c f. a i so W>(| Ne g^ w i t hout Tl or TV; this was 6th mo.; v. further Schr ^•""•'Benz'-^.t (2) merely numbered (chiefly P and late) e.g. »JW ' n3 Gn 7 11 , cf. 8 4S " Lv 16 29 Nu I 118 (all P) + oft. P; Dt i 3 (P), 1 K 12 25 ..8.8.5s.» j e X 3 + 1X t _ j e> Ez24 i 32 i H g 1 Zc I 1 7 13 ; 1 Ch 1 2 15 , cf. entire list 27 2 - 15 2 Ch 3 2 4-i2t.2Ch;Ezr3 , + iot.Ezr;Ne7 72 8 214 Est 3 ,2 ; note esp. D3^> nw [itysn D'jnn e*ki Dsb mn 'nri Ex i2 2 (P), as implying that the 1st mo. was formerly not in the spring ; observe also usage of omitting Tl, e.g. f'.tPKTW-in Tl3 Gn 8 13 , cf. v 6 ; so commonly in Ezek.: — Ez i 1 8 1 20 1 29 117 .33 1.15 " 31 "45 ,, -™ J, + a6 , 3a ,7 45"Co;('n8tB. expr., v. Ez 24 1 32 1 supr.; on like usage with DV v. DV). (3) special phrases and usages are : —