Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/319

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vrm 295 tnJB> "pinb ienna tnh nVy Nu28 14 (P; cf. dv, and Is 66 ;3 supr. 1) ; Bhhj) BHncl Dvb Di»t3 Est $ from day to day and from month to month; tfBHPI Je 2 24 of wild she-ass's mating time.t fn. CHn a wife of Shaharaim of Benj. 1 Ch 8°, ® 'Aoa, ®L Ba8aa (so v 8 =rniQ). tpiUJin town in Judah Jos 15 37 (site unknown, cf. Di). t-np-in in fl D'finn fft 2 S 2 4 6 , rd. neHp T D' i nnn 'x v . Hi" 5 " 011 - 1 "' 1 - 29 , @L «s y^» Xfrrtfifi KaS^r; cf. Dr"" 00 ' and (in part) Klo; v. also K^p. t f^'ini VD - t)e S uilt y (NH ?'<£., be under obligation, guilty; Aram, cw, a^n ; be defeated, guilty; Ar. tSLi 6e disappointed, fail; — Ar. i^,.i , i[J2». sin, is loan-wd. ace. to Bev Dn i 10 ) ; — Qal not in MT ; but rd. perh. *Mn (for TQD) i S 2 2 23 / am jMtfty, so © Th We Dr. Pi. Pf. inculpate ^2 'tfkrm Dn»m consec. Dn I 10 and inculpate my liead with the king. tain n.[m.] debt (NH id.; Aram. [LaL, K3in);_ 3'B* 'n in^bn Ez 18 7 to pledge as to indebtedness lie restores, v. Hi-Sm Ew' 3 "' Ges HSBB6. b Kb Lgt.. i. wtgndctDr s I93 (butconstr. hard : Co 3lB>j dittogr. fr. 'bn Bev Dn1 ' 10 , cf. v 1216 ). TpQin Gn 14 15 , north of Damas- cus; mod. Hoba, 20 hours N. of Dam., ace. to WetzstDel Gn.ed. 4,561 ff so Di.

tP'in] VD - draw round, make a circle (Aram. ^1 circumivit; n. Ils^a-, MWH, circle, vault of heavens) — Qal Pf. VXT?9 an ph D'O Jb 26 10 (cf. Pr 8 27 ), hath drawn as a circle a bound, etc., of the horizon-line. T^n n.[m.] vault; — only of vault of the heavens "|i>nnn W1ZV Mfl Jb 22 14 ; "bv Wi ipna Dinn *» Pr 8 27 ; Y^ 1 ** J!|rr ^ 2 ?* ,ri Is 40 22 . Tnj^iriD n.f. circle- instrument, compass, used by carvers of idols VTVW nainea^ Is 44 13 . I. *"pri (v of foil.; Ar. 3 Li is decline, turn aside, avoid, hence perh. riddle, as indirect, obscure). tnTn n.f. riddle, enigmatic, perplex- ing saying or question ; — abs. 'n Ju 1 4 12 + 6 1. ; sf. TlTH Ju 14 18 yfr 4 9 6 ; ^Tn J u i4 13 ; pi. abs. niTi/i K io 1 + 4t.- ) n'TnNu 12 s ; sf. nn'Tn Pr i 6 ; — 1. riddle = dark, obscure utterance Nui2 8 (JE; opp. n|-VnB and nsno); of •'in something put indirectly and needing inter- pretation; — an allegory 'n "lin Ez 17* flp'B'O bfO); allegor. and fig. sayings Pr I'dl^ njf^D and D^OSn ^P" 5 !) ; enigmat. sentences and com- parisons, declaring fate cf Chaldeans rib 2' ( + n f ^"? ; || b&B), perplexing moral problem j/ 49 s (c. nriS open, propound; || ^K'D), a lesson taught indirectly ^78 2 (DT,P v *3Q % c. JpJUJj || ^B'O). 2. riddle, enigma, to be guessed, in Ju 14 : a. with vb. "Wl Ju 14 12 1S16 propound a riddle. b. with vb. *V5n tell (give answer to) a riddle Ju 14 1415 " 19 . c. with vb. KiO find out a riddle Ju 14 19 . 3. perplexing questions by which queen of Sheba put Sol. to the test (i">Da) 1 K io 1 = 2 Ch 9 1 . 4. with pan skilled 'in double-dealing Dn 8 s3 (Bev). f 11. [Tin] vb. denom. propound a riddle; —Qal Pf. 2 ms. nrnn j u 14 16 ; Impf. nynx Ju 14 12 ; Imv. (bpV? ^cfl nTH) -nn Ez 17 2 ; fHW Ju 14 13 ; always c. HTn ace. cogn. I. mn ( Ph - wn Hve = Beb. n;ri q . v .) ti.H-in (life, vid. DiGns 20 ; >We Frol. 1886. 322" SktaeniH. 217 afte] . JfjJ who gu gg es t s ser- pen* as poss. mng., cf. Ar. tli ; but RS Km 'mother of every hayy,'. n.'Dsub HTl) — Gn3'° and the man called his wife "}0 , because she was : -ij3 dx ; c f. iriBta Ti 4 1 (both J).— n. njn village, v. infr. sub n. nin. t l ?N"in"' 2 Ch 2 9 14 Kt; Qr^^q.v. sub nin. II. mn (v of foil.; Ar.ufja., collect, gather; ipa. circle of ttnts cf. II. '0 sub n^n, Ar. >). fn. [nin] n.f. tent- village — PI. DnTtiO NU32 41 (JE), cf. Di. Elsewh. in cpd. appella- tive, almost = "W nSn Dt 3" Jos 1 3 30 (D), Ju io 4 1 K 4 13 1 Ch 2 23 .— 1. nin v. supr. "hiri adj. gent. (= villagers f)— 1. ttf 'm nion-f3 Gn 34 s (P), cf. 'nn j^yajf 3 6 2 (but rd. rather ^nn 01 Di cf. © Jos g 7 ). ' 2. c. art. as coll. ^nn the Hivvites 'begotten' by Canaan Gn 1017=1 Ch115; esp. in list of Canaanit. peoples displaced by Hebrews Ex 3 >.i7 I3 s 2323.2a 33 2 34 n Dt 7 i 20 i? Jos 3 io ? i I2 s " (all JED), Ju 3 s 1 K g x = 2 Ch 8 7 ; cf. ^V^ani 'nn n^j 2 S 24' (note I'msao, jiTS, just preceding); applied specif, to Gibeonites Jos 9 7 (JE), 11" (D).— In Jos ii 3 Ju 3 3 rd. prob. 'Win for ^TBJ We Mey Bu Vr,M0 v. (partly) ©, Dr on Dt 7 1 .