Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/331

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wan (del.We K,Pr0I,h ) ) v" 10' 13 2 ; *3n xarb <nnj t6 I have not permitted my palate to sin Jb 31 30 ; Pt. KCh, used as adj., sinful nation Is I 4 , sinful person Ez 18 4 ' 20 ; but usually as noun, sinner Pr 1 1 31 13 22 14 21 Ec 2 M 7 26 8 12 9 218 Is 65 20 . Sin is confessed : ^NOn we have sinned Nu 1 4 40 2 I 7 (E) Juio 15 1S12 10 , iK8 47 =2Ch6 37 , Nei 6 ^•io6 6 La 5 16 Dn9 6is ; 'nKDn / have sinned Ex 9 27 Nu2 2 34 (J) 1S15 2430 2S24 1017 iCh 2 1 8 " Jb33 w . Sin is universal : "1E>K D"1K px KBIT N7 </iere is mo man who sinneth not 1 K 8 46 = 2 Cb 6 15 , 3113 n'W 1B>N pK3 pHx J'N DIN »2 NDIT $C1 Ec7 20 /o) , man there is none righteous in the earth who doeth good and sinneth not ; with b, against God Gn20 6 (E), 3 9 9 (J),Ex 3 2 33 Nu32 33 (both JE), Dt 9 16 20 18 1 S2 25 12 23 14 3334 , 1 K 8 s3 35 - 46 ' 60 = 2 Ch 6 MMM -", 2 K 1 7 7 Ho 4 7 Mi 7° Zp i» Je 40 3 44 M 50 714 Ez I4 1S Is 42" Jb 8 4 ^7 8 ' 7 119 11 Ne i°; in confession b TlNDrt Ex io 16 Jos? 20 ^), 2Si2 15 ^4i 5 5i 6 ; injHonDt 1" Ju io 10 1 S 7 6 Je f 8 14 14 720 Dn 9 811 ; with 3 of instr., lips Jb 2 10 , tongue ^r 39 s ; wherein EZ37 23 Lv4 23 (P), therein Lv 5 m (P); ellipsis of 3 in phrase '? 'n "lEW DJiy (iAet'r) iniquity wherein they sinned against me Je 33 s ' 8 ; TOVVZ by error, unwittingly Lv 4 2 - 2227 5 15 Nu 15 2728 (all P); against thy judgments Ne g w ; with ?3?, with regard to LV5 5 Nu6"(P) Ne 13 26 ; with cognate ace. nNBn'n Ex 3 2 30 - 31 (JE); nNEn 'n 1B>N Nu 12 11 (J) Lv 4 s - 28 - 2885 5 61013 (all P) ^"•"(H), Dt 9 18 1 K 14 1622 15 30 16 1319 2 K 21 17 Ez 18 24 33 16 ; b 'n "iBte nxun Je 16 10 Ne i 6 ; by 'n neto mun Lv 4 14 (P); 'n sen La i 8 ; wpn 'n IB'X Dt 19 15 . 3. incur guilt, penalty by sin, forfeit : DOT 73 lb TINam Gn 43' I shall incur the blame of sinning against thee all my days, cf. 44 32 (J); c. ace. Cf'BJ Nt?in forfeiting one- self, one's life Pr 20 2 Hb 2 10 ace. to most, yet v. sub 1.— 'n -V« NMNt VPm Lv 5 7 A« *AaZ/ in'njf /«'« trespass-offering which he has incurred by sin ; 'n nc>N tt3"»p Lvs 11 ; Bhprrjo 'n neta nx D?K" v 16 M'Aai 7ie hath incurred by taking of the holy thing he sliall pay. Pi. Pf Nt?n Lv i 4 52 ; sf. teen Nu 19 19 , nx&n Ex 29 3fi + 2 t.; 3 p l. INtsn EZ43 2222 ; 7m;>/. Kerm Lv8 15 ; sf. •nwnn Lv 9 15 , "'JNDnri ^ 5 i 9 , n^nN Gn3i 39 , WtsnV 2 Ch 29 24 ; Inf. NBn LVI4 49 EZ43 23 ; Pt. msron Lv6 19 ;— 1. 6ear to«s: n|Bns ■oix / 6are <fo Zoss of it Gn 31 39 (E ; lit. / let it be missing ? poss. id. nJtsnX I was made to miss it]). 2. make a sin-offering: c. sf. referring to ■Vjrt? Lv9' 6 (P); to sin-offering Lv6 19 (P); n3TDn 73? upon the altar Ex 29 30 (P; not cleanse the altar RV); nnatOH DDT flN 'n 2 Ch 29 s4 made a sin-offering with their blood on tin altar. 3. purify from sin: the altar, by putting the blood of the sin-offering on its horns, Lv8 l6 (P), Ez .jg 20 - 22 - 22 - 23 ; the sanctuary, by applying to it the blood of the sin-offering Ez 45". 4. purify from uncleanness: the house of the leper by application of the mixture of living water and blood of the bird Lv 1 4 49 - 62 (P); a person, by application of the mixture of living water and ashes of the red heifer Nu I9 ,9 (P), by sprinkling with a hyssop sprig V'S 1 '- Hiph. Pf tfonn 1 K I4 l6 + 17 t., fenri (Kt err. for IPtpWI) a K 13 6 ; sf. DN'onn 2 K 17 s '; pl. imn 1 K 16' 3 Ne 13 26 ; Impf. KBrr J u 20 16 K2i li ';'K' , t?!Tri LH24 4 ; Nonni 1 k'16 2 21 22 ; pl. worjj Ex'23 33 ; Inf. tnprin Ec5 5 i K 16" Je 3 2 3S (Qr), "Cinn Je 3 2 35 (Kt err.); Pt. pl. cstr. Wtpqo Is 29 2 ';— 1. miss the mark: >3X3 $bj> NDq: N71 ■Tiye'n-pN Ju20 16 slinging with stones at an hair and would not miss. 2. induce or cause to sin: with ace. Ex23 33 (JE), Ne 13 28 ; elsewh. in the phrase bN^B^ DN N'Bnn (/(«) cawsed 7«rae/ to sin 1 K 1 4 16 1 5 26 - 3034 1 6 2B - li,J6 2 1 22 22 53 2 K 3 3 io 29 - 31 13 2611 14 24 is 9 ' 8 - 24 - 28 23"; c. sf. ref. to Isr. 2 K 17 s1 ; mff nu 2 K 21 11 " Je 32 s5 (sts. c. 2nd ace. — nXDn, or "HPN ref. to riNon :- 1K14 1 -iKi5 26 - 34 i6 26 2Ki7 2l 2i 16 ; prob. also

30 i6 l; 
s3 2 K 21 11 23 1 

no 2nd ace. 1 K 16 2 ' 9 21 22 Je32 M ; the rest are am- biguous). 3. bring into guilt, condemnation, punishment: DIN ^unD Is 29 21 whobring aman into condemnation; y-wn riN N'cnn N7 Dt 24 4 thou sfialt not bring the land into guilt; jnn ?N ^■>E'3"n^? t?arb T B " nN Ec 5 5 do not permit thy mouth to bring thy flesh into punishment. Hithp . Impf. Nenn^ Nu i9 ,2 +4 t., wenn; Nu 8 21 , wsnn> j b 4 i 17 , wtsnnn Nu 3 1 19 , iNQnnn Nu 3 1 "-, — 1. miss oneself, lose oneself, fig. for be bewil- dered, beside oneself, W^eWr; Dna& ! Jb 41 17 6y reason of consternation they are beside themselves (|| VW are afraid). 2. purify oneself from uncleanness, only in P : a. Levites Nu 8 21 . b. those in contact with the dead Nu 1 9 121320 3 1 1920 ; with 3, iTIJ iD3 NU31 23 ; by a mixture of ashes of the red heifer with fresh water Nu 19". tNipn n.m. D,K -' sin (on format, v. Lag ra ,42 )— 'n Lv i 9 17 + 15 1. ; sf. ison Lv 2 4 15 + 5 1., ?NCn La3 M , DNtpn LV20 20 ; pl. D'NCn Ec io 4 ; cstr." "NOq 2 K io 29 Ez 2 3 49 ; sf. 'KOri Gn4i', x 2