Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/365

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DBDH t [DQDn] vb. only Pt. pass, (scaled off) scale-like (appar. redupl. fr. * *|Dn for fpBDn, v. Ew ,m ' Ol" 214 - 276 Ges* 666 Sta' 291 ; Kb 1 ' 260 thinks euphon. for H^p™? ! *° De c °mp. are Ar. <_a „*. £,, havescab, itch(Yrey; but u £ = D'!); Aram. NBpn potsherd, KJT3BDn « C aZe (of fish), scurf; Eth. fu^: scabiosus fuit Di 687 and Ex 1 6") — hence DBDTO scaled off, scale-like, as @ X Thes EobGes'jIV SS VB;— of the manna 1B33 PI DBpTO pT Exi6 14 a fine, scale- like thing, fine as the hoar-frost. iDn vb. lack, need, be lacking, de- " T crease (v. Lag BN143 ; NH "it?n cause to lack or fail, diminish (act.), and deriv.; Aram. ipn, tM*t, want, lack, and deriv., cf. Ph. "lDTO, v. "IIBITO infr.; Ar. ILi remove, strip off; disap- pear, retire (of water), fail (of sight), etc.; perh. also Eth. 1tl£; be inferior, worthless, diminisfied Di 590 and deriv.)— Qal Pf 3 ms. 'n 1 K 17 16 ; 2m8.J?"ipnDt2 7 ; spl.lipnNeo 21 ; 1 pi. «")pn Je44 18 ;' Impf. "IDIV Dt iJ5*+at.; "1pm Pr 3 i» EC9 8 ; 3fs. ipPin I K If" Pr 13*; 2 ms. iprw Dt 8 9 ; 1 s. ipW ^ 23 1 ; pi. viprp ^ 34 » Ez 4"; rpn>l Gn 8 3 ; ' ,! nprp Gn 18 28 ; /«/ c««r. "ipq Pr 1 o 21 Ew * ■ *, cf. Ges •* , »; a6s. iton Gn 8 6 ; ' P«. ipn 1 K II 22 Ec io 3 (v.lpn infr.);— 1. lack : a. c. ace. Gn 1 8* (J) perchance thefifty righteous lack five, Dt 2' thou hast not lacked anything, 8 9 Je 44 18 1 K 11 22 Ez 4 17 + 34" Pr 31 11 , cflalso 3.?""^P03 Pr io" 1 by lacking intelligence (sense), (Di puts here Dt 1 5 8 , v. infr.) b. abs. be in want, want yjr 23 1 Pr 13 25 Ne 9 21 . 2. be lack- ing, & 'nj ifN iifanp Dt 15 8 fe"s ?«c£ (i.e. thing needed), which is lacking to him (possible also is, which he lacks for himself, so Di, v. supr.); |BB> Tp-^K ^N^y Ec 9 8 oil on thy head let it not be lacking; v. also abs. Is 51" Ct 7 3 , and "IDH to? Ec io 3 his sense is lacking; of jar of oil 1 K 17 1416 (abs.) by meton. for the oil itself (cf. || D?3 be consumed, exhausted). 3. diminish, decrease, of waters Gn 8 3 (P), cf. "torn !p$n v 5 (P), waters continually diminished (v. "|?n

ncn supr. p. 2 33 b ). Pi. cause to lack, c. ace. pers., Impf. 2 ms. sf. twfyjg BVD inipnni ^ 8 6 awrf i/wu dlicZsf make him lack little of God ; Pt. rotoe 'wrnti ignoft Ec 4 8 for whom am I labouring and depriving myself of good things t Hiph. Pf. Tpnn Ex 1 6 18 ; Impf. tqtV. IS32 6 ;— cause to be lacking, fail, c. ace. rei TP SOS nj3?*D Is 32 s ; <Ae dn'?iA o/</ae thirsty he causeth to fail (||3jn B>BJ pnnj>) ; abs. Ex 16" (P), he that gathered little caused no lack. T"Cn n.m. rr2K,sa want, poverty — alw. abs.; UK3* 'fl Pr 28 s2 «/an< *7tatt come to him; |||B3 hunger Jb 30 3 . tiDn n.[m.] want, lack (Lag 83 "")— only cstr. On^ 11 Am 4"; & 'n Dt 28 48W . T^Dn adj. needy, lacking, in want of — 'n abs. Ec 6 2 ; cstr. "ipn 1 S 2 1 "' + 1 3 t. ; — needy, in want of KH D'JMB'O 'n 1 S 2 1 I6 am I in want of madmen ? 2 S 3 29 tn need of bread, so Pr 1 2 9 ; usu. 3?— ipn lacking understanding, sense Pr 6 s2 7 7 9 416 io 13 1 1 12 12 11 15 2 .?-'n D1K Pr i7 18 24 30 ; rfOOQ T TM p r 28 16 ; ipn «r(c '21 730 itJ'BJ? Ec6 2 neither is he lacking for his soul in aught of (jD part.) all that he desireth. trnpn grandfather of Shallum who was husband of Huldah the prophetess (® AE<ro-<p!7,@L A<rcp) = Dnnn 2 K 22 14 (© Apaas, @L Afya). tp^Cn n.m. thing lacking, deficiency (Lag BN 198 ) — only ntonb b&mb 'n Ec 1 15 what is lacking cannot be counted. t-yiDnC, "ibTO n.[m.] need, thing needed, poverty; — 'd abs. Pr 1 1"+ 6 t.; cstr. Jui8 10 i9 19 ; sf.1")iDnp JU19 20 ; TiDnpPr6"; nbno Dt 15 8 ; pi. tLYpJB Pr 24 s4 ;— 1. need= thing needed ilbnp *J Dt 1 5" enough for his need (sq. £ -IDIV lEfc, cf. ipn v b.) ; ^J 'D _ b Ju 1 9 20 aZZ </ty need be upon me (for me to provide). . lack, want "9^1 ' D ?^ Ju l81 ° MC) laci: °f anything, 1 9 19 ^ 34 10 . 3. in gen., need, poverty Pr 6" (llefc-^24 34 (|| B*"!), n" 14 23 21 5 22 16 28 27 ; 'O ^'X 2 1 17 a man of poverty. f]11 v. 11. t|Dn. f [iSJ2n] vb. do secretly (prop, cover, = nsn, q.v.)-— only Pi. Impf. onan . . . warn a«ci <Ae;/ di<£ things secretly 2 K 1 7 9 . t[H2n] vb. cover (NH id., esp. Pi.; Aram. N?n ; ka— (esp. Pa.); Ar. { Jl£. be hidden, Jit hide)— Qal Pf «"? 2Si 5 ' 30 +3t.; Pt. ««9 2 S15 30 ; cstr. ,! lBn Est 6 12 ;— cower the head (^1), in token of grief 2 S 15 s0 Je 14 34 ; pt. agrees with 't 2 S 1 5 s0 ; #*n "IBn (|| b?N) Est 6 12 ; in token of sentence of death Est 7". Niph. Pt. f. neru + 68 13 (': rw 'bjo), c. a