Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/366

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of material. Pi. Pf. (late) flBn 2Ch 3 89 ; Imp/. *&$ 2 Ch 3 7 ; sf. «KJJJ 2 Ch 3 s - 8 ; owrZay sq. 2 ace. (one of material) 2 Ch 3 "M-». . ncn, 11. nen v. sub ^an.

  • P?v] vbl *• to trepidation, hurry, or

alarm (Ar. jii hasten, incite, urge); — Qal Impf. TiBIT Jb 40 23 ; ITBHTI Dt 20 s ; Inf. cstr. sf. T?0? V' 3 l23 "6"; Pija'na 2 S 4 4 ; Djsna 2 K 7 16 Qr (Kt Disnn) ; — 1. be in a hurry or aZarwi, of hurried flight 2 S 4* 2 K 7 15 ; Inf. c. 3= noun, in my alarm V'Si 23 116 11 ; be alarmed Dt 20 s (|| IK-iti), Jb 40 23 (of hippopot.) Niph. iy. ITSrU ^ 4 S 6 (||^niJ) Artrr^ away in alarm; so 7ny>/ j«bpp ,/, I04 7 (|| j*du;) ; inf. Dtenn

K 7" Kt v. supr.; Pt. TBTO r's 2 3 26 Wied 

nab? 'j "in Ml and David became hurried to go. TptSri n.[m.] trepidation, hurried flight (Lag 8 * 200 )— always "na Ex I2»(P), Dt 16 3 Is 52" (|| HMO). □"^H v. sub S]Sn. jSIl (-/of foil.; Ar. ^ii ta£e w&A &o<A 7(and«, Ilii handful; NH fBH, Aram. fBnyftZ tf/ie hands with). "^[15^] »■[«■] hollow of hand (NH |Bin, Aram ;ov"' "'^ n ' ^ si -; EtL A¥"J:— also Ar. ilia, hollow in the ground; and, ace. to Zehnpfund 8 * 8 '- 635 , As. hupunnu, bowl, but h= c ?)— only du. D^sn Ec 4 6 ; cstr. 'OBn Ez"io 7 (del. Co intern, grounds); sf. ^JSPI Ez 10 2 ; V3BPI Lv 16 2 Pr 30 4 ; D^JBH Ex 9 «; Ti N>» Ez io 2 + v 7 (del. Co cf. supr.)';— 'n t6r?=handful Exo 8 Lvi6 12 (bothP), Ec 4 6 , material follows in implic. ace; 'na mi epN^D Pr 3 o 4 . t^Etl (Sab. JBP1 Hal No14 )— one of Eli's two sons 1 S I s 2 34 ^"-W ' [fjan] vb. enclose, surround, cover (Ar. i_ta., surround, i_iUa. «efe, or JoroV of a thing)— only Qal Pt. vby e)Sh Dt 33 12 (poem) he () is covering him over, fig. of 's shelter- ing Benj. (in temple ; on omission of subi. v. Ges* 116 - 6BS ). TFpn n.[m.] shore, coast (as surrounding, enclosing)— 'n only cstr. Gn 49 1313 + 5 t: — shore of sea Djrj 'n Dt i 7 Jos 9 1 (both D), Ju 5" Je 47 7 Ez 25 16 ; OTC 'n -G n 49 13 (poem); 'n ni'iX v 13 «Ae «/«ore of ships, i.e. to which ships come. yon

1. ""fEFT n,f> canopy, chamber (as cover- 

ing, enclosing) — abs. 'n Is 4'; sf. insn i^i 9 6 ; nnan j 2 16 ;— 1. canopy, 'n nua-ba-py Is 4 6 ower aft 5-fori/ a canopy (for protection). 2. chamber, of bridegroom i/' 19 6 (metaph. of sun rising); of bride Jo 2 16 (|| Tin of bridegroom). fn. nsn 1 Ch 24" priest of i 3 th course, © 0<p<pa. t QiSJi a son of Benjamin Gn 46 21 (® 0<^ v (f) lv , ofyneiv), descendant of Benjamin 1 Ch 7 15 (® A^nv, Atptpctv, ©L Otbtp), and so nan V IS ; v. Qain. IL *]Sn (NH t|SPi ; Aram. «|Bn, sJ., .aL, all rub, cleanse, esp. the head). TF)n adj. clean — only ^n yete ^3 JX 7]t

  • ¥ J° 33 9 ^ «w ^>we, without transgression,

I am clean (in speech of Elihu). tYPQ vb - delight in (cf. Ar. iiL be mindful of, attentive to, keep, protect, Aram, ^a-. whence £*&*. eager, zealous, Ar. iJo^il. anger (excitement), liXil enrage (Aram, and Ar. of excited attention, Heb. of delighted atten- tion), Dl Pr168 No ZM018 * 742 ; NH r?D weakened to ^'ngr, v. De KcG,0 »-, Ph. in pynxan);— Qal Pf. 'n Gn 34 I9 + 28 t; f. nSBPl I s 66 3 ; 2 m. J??an Dt 2 1 » + 4 1. ; wsanjb 2 1 ", etc., + 1 4 1. Pf.; Impf. parr Dt25 7 +7t.; pair ^, 37 » 147 10 ; pi. »an: Is i 3 17 Je6 10 ; WBn; ,/, 68 31 ; |«|PP Is 58" etc. + 9 t. Impf.; Inf. abs. yhn Ez 18 23 ; on Pt. f? n = adj. verb., v. infr.;— 1. of men: a. take pleasure in, delight in, c. a, a woman Gn 3 4 19 (J), Dt 21 14 Est 2 14 ; a man'i S 18 22 ip 1 2 S 20"; in matters and things 2 S 24* Is 13 17 66 3 Je6 10 f 109 17 112 1 119 35 Pr 18 2 Est6 6.7. 9 .9.u. c.acc. f 68 31 Is 5 8 2 Ec8 3 ; implic. obj. yjf 7 3 25 . b. delight, desire, be pleased to do a thing, would do it Dt 25 7 - 8 1 K 9 1 Est6 6 Bu 3 13 V40 9 Jb 9 3 i 3 3 21 14 33 »« Is 5 8 2 Je 4 2 22 . c. abs. Yfftffl "■? until it please (of love) Ct 2 7 3 5 8 4 . 2. of God: a. delight in, have pleasure in, c. 3, persons Nu 14 8 (J), 2 S 15 26 22 20 = ^iS 20 ,' iKio 9 =2Ch 9 8 , V.22 9 4 i ls Is62 4 ; not in the strength of a horse ^ 1 4 7 10 ; in doing evil Mal2 17 ; in the death of the sinner Ez 18 32 33 n ; but in mercy, justice, and righteousness Je 9 s3 ; Tixan (t6) imz -ina Is s6 4 65 12 66 4 ; not with (ace.) the blood of bullocks Isi"; (D')nat f 40 7 Si 1821 , or the death of the sinner EZ18 2323 ; but with ^n H06 6 Mi7 18 , riON