Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/40

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tor (= Crete) Je 47*; DK -gya -itt>K *n 'a!>D Je 25 s5 ; elswh. pi., coasts of Chittim Je 2 10 Ez 7 s , of Elishah v 7 ; different countries (on or in sea) v 3 - 1 " 6 26 1518 - 18 (last del.Cocf. ©) cf. 30 6 , so also Ertan ".« Gn io 5 (P); partic. &? *Ksx coast-lands & islands Is 11" 24 15 , || PT!?I? Est io 1 ; v. (without Djri) Dn 1 1 18 , & ^ 72 10 ; so oft. Is 5 incl. inhabitants, 41 15 42 410 (D!Tae»1 D«N || u6e» Djn) v'^q 1 51 6 59 ,8 6o 9 66 l9 'cf.Je3i 10 f 97 1 ', Zp 2 11 (D^ian »K); islands, distinctly (taken up by * as little things) Is 40 15 ; coasts, banks, i.e. habitable lands Is 42 13 (|| rfriru).

אִיתָמָר ((t"s) land of ■palms] Thes) youngest (4th) son of Aaron Ex 6 s3 28 1 38 21 Lv io 6 " 16 Nu 3 5 - 4 4 s8 ' 33 7 8 26 60 (all P) 1 Ch 5 s9 ^ Ezr g2.

†[אָוָה] vb. incline, desire (cf. Stem 2) . Pi. -P/^X f 132 13 ; HfflK Mi 7 1 + , etc. j Impf. 3 fs. •"KM? Dt i2 20 +4t. — desire subj. usually 6*33, obj. fruit Mi 7 1 (in metaph.) ; flesh (to eat) S 2", cf. Dt 12 20 (sq. inf. IpB i>b$6) ; food & drink Dt 1 4 M ; of king desiring rule, ?ba FI3?J?1 I^.M n;W-irK 2 S 3 21 1 K 1 1 37 ; obj. evil (jn) Pr 21 10 ; once obj. * Is 26' rW>3 ^TWK »e>'fij j f God bKl nniK iB'B:! Jb 23 13 ; as desiring Zion for dwelling-place (late, only cases without CB3) ^i 3 2 1314 ; Hithp. Pf. nwin Pr 2 i 26 ; WKnn Je 17' 6 ; ««nn Nun 4 ; DlVWini Nu34 10 ; /wys/. njgBi; Ec 6 2 ; fVKlVl 2 S23 16 ;' apoc. 1KJV1 ^ 45 '2, HWW 1 Ch n 17 , etc.— P«. fs. riwip p r i 3 « ; mp i. D'lKnp Am 5 18 Nu 1 1 34 — dm're, long for, lust after, of bodily appetites; for dainty food Nu 1 1 4 (E; sq. aec. cogn.) = ^io6 14 , Nu n 34 (E) ; sq. 3 Pr23 3 - 6 cf.Ec6 2 (sq.acc.),v.alsoPr 13 4 (abs.,subj. ^53); abs. of extreme thirst 2S23 15 =i Ch n 17 ; of king desiring the beauty ('tV.) of princess V' 45 1! ( so r ace.) ; of covetous man Pr 2 1 26 (sq. ace. cogn.); obj. Ijn TODt 5 13 (|p»n) ; gq.inf. Pr 2 4 1 (of desiring evil companionship); obj. D Am5 18 (ace; of presumptuous, reckless longing) cf. Je 17 16 . (Nu 34 78 for WnPl— Pi. of n "n — Di prop. 5_6*riri, & queries whether this & QD , "^ J /'!' v 10 are not fr. iTM, = desire for your- selves.)

[אַו] n.m. cstr. *IK, Kt Pr 3 1 4 desire, so Thes MV; but <Qr , Kq. v.

†[אַוָּה] n.f. desire— cstr. rrtK Dt 1 2 I5 + 5t.; sf. WN Ho io 10 — desire, will, usually sq. B'BJ; of natural human desire (morally indiff.), for meat Dt I2 1 ' 20 - 21 ; of longing for sanctuary 18 6 ; of royal good pleasure 1 S 23 20 ; without E'S?., of wild-ass Je 2 s4 ; of divine will Ho io 10 .

אֱוִי (desirel) one of five chiefs of Midian Nu 31 8 Jos 13 21 .

†[מַאֲוַי] n.[m.] desire pL cstr. yen «WjD ^140'.

תַּאֲוָה n.f. desire — abs. Gn3 6 + ; cstr.JIWl ■fy io 3 + etc; — desire, wish Pr 13 1219 18 1 ; of physical appetite, longing for dainty food <>?NP t Jb 33 20 ; distinctly good sense ^ io 17 38 10 Pr 1 I s3 1 9 K (? cf. infr.) Is 26 s (B^Tl «f}3J^ *JpE>b) ; bad sense, lust, appetite, covetousness ^ io 3 (Tl V^B3)i 12 10 ; Pr2i 2526 (as ace. cogn.); particularly of longing for dainties of Egypt Nu 1 1 4 yjr 106 14 (both ace. cogn.) 78 30 & in given to place where it occurred niKRil niiap (q.v.) Nu 1 I 34 ' 35 33 1617 Dt9 22 . 2. thing desired, in good sense Pr 1 o 24 ; bad sense ^ 7 8 s19 so fa? Tl i/r 2 1 3 ; thing desirable (to senses) Gn 3* (E??' l 5?!' Tl); perhaps also Pr 19 22 the ornament of a man is his kind- ness (Ea Ki, etc. but cf. supr.)

†II. [אוָה] vb. sign, mark, describe with a mark (so Ges (who compares nxn, nin) DP 116 ""**-') only Hithp. Pf onwin D|? mark you out, measure, Nu 34 10 (P), so Vrss (cf. D?7 INnn v 7 ' 8 ; v. however Di, & sub . PIW).

אוֹת n.m. 79 E * 4 - 8 (f. •"» 24 ' 17 ) sign (Ar. i$, pi. & Aram. «nx, JL?')— 'K Gn 4 15 + ; cstr.9 12 + ; pi. niniK Ex 4 9 + etc. — 1. sign, pledge, token Gn4 15 (J); DON niS true token Jos 2 12 (J); of blood of passover Ex 1 2 13 (P) ; naiDp JliK token for good ^ 86 17 ; pledges, assurances of travellers Jbai 29 . . signs, omens promised by prophets as pledges of certain predicted events 1 S io 79 -fv 1 where 'tt ins. © 33, vid. We Dr; esp. phr. j> nisn m Ex 3 12 i S 2 s4 14 10 2 K 19 29 Je 44 29 is7" 14 ; prob. also Is 44 s5 (of false proph.). . sign, symbol of prophets Is 8 18 cf. Ez 4 3 . . signs, miracles, as pledges or attestations of divine presence & interposition Ex 4 s8 - 9 (J) 7 3 (P) 8 19 (J) ^ 74 9 2 K 19 29 20 89 =Is 37 30 3 8 7!B ; c. Hf| Ex 4 1730 Nu 14 1122 Jos 24 17 (all JE) Dt n 3 Ju 6 17 ; c. n;s Ex 4 s8 (J); c. JVtf io 1 (J); c. D , 8' Ex io 2 (J) V' 78 43 Is 66 19 ; risiani ni«n ( v . DBiD) Dt 13 3 cf. 28 40 Is 20 3 ; 'D M 'k Dti3 2 ; D^BiBI rrtrtH Dt 4 M 7 19 26 s 29 s Je32 21 ; c. [OJ Dt 6 12 Ne 9 10 ; c. DT Je 32 20 V 105 27 ; c. n^ Dt 34 11 ^ 135 9 . 5. signs, memorials, stones fr. Jordan Jos 4" (J); metal of censers Nu 17 3 (P); Aaron's rod Nu 17 25 (P); D^iy 'N Is 55 13 prob. also Ez 14 8 (|| ^^D); signs on hands, etc.,