Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/460

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rmn f 37 J1 4 o 9 ; l| DBBtoHb i 4 ; || mDSE>Df 89 31 ; g tHR Je6 ,9 26 4 Zc7 n ; ||D'pn Am 2 4 ; ||npn Je44 1 ° 23 ; myriads of precepts Ho 8 n . d. instruction in Messianic age Is 2 3 =Mi 4 4 , Is 42" 51 4 Je 31 33 . e. a body of priestly direction or instruction relating to sacred things Ho 4 6 Je 2 8 18 18 En 7* Hag 2" Mai 2 M - M Zp 3 4 Ez 22 26 ; || nnin tb fin to ;nb to 2 Ch 1 5 s . 2. tow (prop, direcft'o/i) : viz. a. of special laws, sg. of Feast of Massoth Exi3 9 (J), sabbath i6 4 (J); of direction given by priests in partic. case Dt 17 11 ; of statutes of priest's code Ex i2 49 (P), Lv6 2718 7 1 " 187 «" 12 7 13 s9 14" 1 "' i5 3S Nu5 a,J0 6 13 - S1 " 1 i5 16M 19 214 31" (P); man nnin EZ43 1 " 2 ; mso|> 'n pa 2 Ch

10 ; pi. nKlB tows, || D"pn Ex i8 16M (E; of 

decisions in civil cases given by Moses), ^ 105 40 ; ||mvoExi6 ffl (J); ||mxD,mpn Gn26 5 (J); ||n<pn d^db'dLv2 6 46 (H); ||nn3,pnis2 4 6 ; Uttoueto D'pn, niVD Ne 9 13 ; the laws of the new temple Ez 43" 44 5 ' 24 ; those laws in which men should walkJe32 !3 (Kt). b. of codes of law, (1) nninn as written in the code of the covenant, || mXBn Ex 24 12 (E); Tfrb* n$n nDD Jos2 4 26 (E); prob. also Dt 33 4 , || D'DSBT3 v 10 , || W% Ho 8 1 V 78 10 . || nvijj v 6 ; (2) the law of the Deuteronomic code, in D and Deuteronomic sections of Kings and sources of Chr., nt&n .Titan Dti 5 4 844 i7 18 3i 9 '"; nwn 'nn na^ 2 7 26 31 s4 , + ^a 17" 27" 28 s8 29 s8 31" 3 2 46 ; n'wn 'nn net? 2 8 61 ; nrn nninn naD 29 20 30 10 3i M Jos i 8 ; nmnn isd 8 34 2 K 22 8 = 2 Ch 34 15 ; rninn nan JosS 34 2K23 24 ; so .nninn ntyo T.S "*&• Jos I? > similarly 2 2 5 2 K 17 13 ' 3437

1 8 ; neto rota (nsD) Jos 8 31 - 32 23" 1 K 2 s 2 K 1 4 6 

='d nBDa 'nn 2 Ch 25 4 , 2 K 23 s5 ; 'nn nsp nan 2 K 22" ='nn nan 2 Ch 34 19 ; ran" 1 nnin % k ". It is probable that 'Tl in V' * M 94 12 and some other parts of Chr., e.g. 1 CI122 12 2Ch6 16 (=iK S 25 without 'n), refers to Deuteronomic code. (3) other passages of Chr. may refer to code of D, but most of them certainly refer to the law of the Priests' code. The same is true of Mai Dn and late ^. The phrases are : (nSD) ne*> nnin 2 Ch 23 18 3 o' 6 Ezr 3 2 7 6 Ne8 1 Mai 3 s2 Dn 9 11 - 13 ; mm nn-Jl (nBD) Ezr 7 10 Ne 9 3 1 Ch 16 40 2 Ch 12 1 17 9 31" 34 14 35" + !9 9 "9 1 ! (1BD) Cfflhei nnin Ne 818 io 29 - 30 ; 'nn nsD 8 3 ; 'nn nan y 9.13. JTlton 2 C l, j 4 3 jjSl 33 8 Ezr io 3 Ne gj.7.14 jo 35 - 37 12 44 13 3 ; T? ' n f "9 72 ; inmn Ne 9 26 - 29 - 34 Dn n" Ir tiq18-29- . nnin (indef.) || mp n . nwm Ne 9 14 - . custom, manner : O^ N? nnin 2 S 7 ,9 </*e manner of man, not of God, i. e. deal with me as man with man, Thes, law for man RV, but Ew zhxDYV c„»<*.iii.i8o reads rm (iDNnni) hast fchewed me generations of men; so We Dr. — On 'n v. further Dr on Dt I 10 24 s 33 10 and reff. t "H'V f = mm 11 whomFa/* teacheth) chief of the tribe of Gad 1 Ch 5 13 , © Ig>/>« . t^WV (founded of El) *» lano 2 Ch 20 16 , © Ic/>u;X, not identified, prob. part of wilderness of Judah, near Ziz ( Wady Husdsah). isWy. { ac ^ n> ) chief of tribe of Issachar, 1 Ch 7 2 , © PttijX, If ptrj ; ©L lapovrjK,

  • in**V* 1 Ch 23" 24 s3 , mn» 26 31

(cf. ?t?n^ chief of one of the Levitical courses, © ISouS, lepia, USbt, It8fi/iOf, etc. t [^^ l, ] vb. only Qal Impf. 3 mpl. VTJP Is 44 s (van d. H Baer, but prob. s nnn si vera 1., so Thes) ; 1 be stupefied (cf. Ar. s,J, Thes al.), but Frey fatuus et stolidus fait ; < Ew al. who rd. W]» fr. NT (|| nns). a?ttft"V , ff'TaJW Jerusalem

  • - t : 7 • - t : 644 *

(in As. Vrusalim, Tel Amarna, Zin^ 1891 . 252 - 264 ; Ursalimmu, C0T GloM -; © Upovaa'kw, -/and mng. dub.; Eel Ew al. der. fr. D-'B' $Ff[ jyosses- sion of peace (or Salem's possession); Thesal. fr.nnj, i.e.^m + DpK'a foundation of peace; Grill zAw.i^mff. f ouna - ation f Shalem (Sh. = God of peace, =י׳); but name not certainly Hebr.; ace. to SayceAcad. Feb. 7,1891, 138; Higher Crit. 176 (opposed by ZimZA.1891, 263), JastrJBL xi, 1892, 105 = Uru (city) + Salim,; — usu. aXftV (Qr per- petuus), Josio 10 + ; 0$** iSi7 M + ; 0$. 5 t.acc. to Mas.(vid. Frensdorff""'- M • g " , • *°), viz. Je 26 18 1 Ch 3 6 2 Ch 25 1 32" (c. n loc), Est 2 6 , (but tb- 1 Ch 3 5 van d. H Baer), so Maccab. coins, Levy OMCh - d - JM - Miinz ' 42f -; c. n loc. n~ffi* 1 K io 2 Is 36 s Ez 8 3 ; (no;^- 2 Ch 3 2 9 supr.); ntfe. 2 K 9 28 ; with prefixes: 'n'3 2 S 9" + ; "im? 2 K i8 22 + ; / " , » 2 S 15" + ; '»TJ 1 K 23'+; — Jerusalem, renowned as capital of all Israel, afterwards of southern kingdom, seat of central worship in temple, first named as city of Canaanite Adoni-Sedek tJos io'- 3 - 623 (all JE), cf. i2 10 (D); inhabited by Jebusites Jos j 5 63.63 (p^ j u I 2i.2i ) c f_ v 7 (Adoni-Bezek); identif. with DO; Ju I9 10 , and 'DUp (q.v.) Jos 15 8 18 28 (both P); captured by Judah Ju I 8 ; first named in connexion with David iS i7 54 t; taken pos-