Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/568

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K 2'; Inf. cstr. np^>n i s 4 1 " 1 , sf. "inpjsri 1 s 

2 1 7 ; — 1. be captured, of ark 1 S |'i-ir.».».a . be taken away, removed, of shewbread 1 S 2 1"; of removal by death Ez 33 s ; of translation of Elijah 2 K 2 9 (c. DJTO pers.) 3. be taken, brought unto ("-'?), only Est 2 816 . tPu. Pf. ngb Gn 3 :o +, 3 fs.-nn^2 ;s ) 2 ms. nnj37 3 19 , etc.; — 1. be taken from, out of (IP of source) Gn 2 a 3 ,9S3 (all J); cf. 0n$ ngbl n??p Je 29" and there shall be taken from tliem (derived from their case) a curse-formula. 2 . = ic stolen from, Ju 17 2 (7 pers.) 3. be taken captive, Je 48 46 , cf. Is 52 s . 4. be taken away, removed (=Nipli. 2), of Elijah's trans- lation 2 K 2 10 (c. nso pers.), of death Is 53 s (c. fp, prob. instr.) tHoph. Impf. n^ Gn i8 4 +, etc.;— 1. be taken, brought unto Gn i2 ,s (J ; sq. TV3 to the house of), 18 4 (abs.) 2. be taken out of Jb 28 s (IP of source), from, of Ez i5 3 (IP partit.) . be taken away from Is49 24 (fP pers.); abs.v 25 . tHithp. Pt. fs. nnlbriD m lit. fire taking hold of itself, of lightning Ex 9 24 (JE), Ez i 4 , exact signif. dub. ; in close successio?i, incessant Di Sm, infolding itself, i. e. a mass of fire, Thes RobGes AVVBSS, > of quivering flashes Buhl, of forked or zigzag lightning Da. tn£7 n.m. Pr - 4 ' 2 learning, teaching (con- crete; prob. what is received); — 'b abs. Is 29 s4 + St.; sf. Vipi) Dt 3 2 s Jb 11 4 ; nnp? Pr7 21 ;— . instruction, subjective, as personal acquire- ment ; np? *7u?) Is 29 s4 , they shall learn in- struction (||njp); np? «]Di*1 Pr i 6 a wise man will hear and vyill increase (his) learning, so 9'. . teaching, obj., as thing taught, "OS3 epjP 'np? Dt 3 2 2 (|| won), Jb 1 1 4 ; 02b wpj afc? '*; Pr 4 2 ; also = teaching -power, persuasiveness, ^ I'DV tWJ5^ pTO Pr 16 21 sweetness of lips in- crea.ieth 2>ersuasiveness (v. p)"ID), T?^ I^Jnse* PJl "EJ v 23 ; in bad sense, of seductive words of adulteress, '*? 31? Pr 7 21 (||> , nB'e> pbnS). 'T'P? n-P'.Jtt. a Manassite, 1CI17 19 , ® haKdip, A Aa««j, ©L AoKCdfi, fi. rtlp^D" 4925 booty, prey (cf. H^ );_'e -liasp na»n i 8 49 M (|paf), c f. v 26 (|| «.); Nu 31" (|| id.), 31 11 (|| bbf), v « (II «. + '#, i.e. here, only, disting. fr. captives), v 32 (y)l tin), v*.


f 11. [rrip7PJ n.[m.] jew (&$ taking, seizing food);— du. sf. '•nip^D pfJB 'jte^ + 2 2 le and my tongue is made to cleave to my jaws, i.e. my gums. tD^^rD, [aTlj5 , ?0] n.[m.]du. tongs, snuffers; — 1. tongs used at altar of temple, for lifting coal, in ls.'s vision, Is 6 6 . 2. lamp- snuffers, in temple 1 K 7 49 = 2 Ch 4 21 ; in tubern. sf. (ref. to lamp-stand, ITjUO) rvnp i? D Ex 25 s8 37 23 Nu4 9 (aIlP). '[npO] n.[m.] a taking, receiving; — ■ cstr. "inte*-hj3p 2 Ch 19 7 a taking of a bribe. T [nnjpjp] n.f. ware (prop, thing received, sc. in trade ; cf. np_? in NH) ; only pi. Din^pn Ne io 32 (their) wares.

  • L"*jc 'J v l>- Pick or gather up, specif,

glean (NH id. and t3pj ; Ar. kiJ j>i'c& wp (as a bird, grains, etc.) ; Aram. Epp, and Opjl ; ^il ; Mand. Dj|> (No* 64 , also on Talm. BpJ); cf. As. Za^to Dl HWB38i (but B = <?)); — Qal P/. 3 pi. »PJ2 Ex 16 22 Nu 11 8 , 'i>1 consec. Ex 16 4 , W$ Exi6 18 ; /mp/ gttpLWfk Exi6 6 , fVO'p^ ^ 1 04 28 , 1Bpp>l Ex 1 6 17 - 2 '; 2 mpi.'sf.inppbri Ex 16 26 ; Imv. mpl. 'iDp? Gn 31 46 Ex 16 16 ; Inf. cstr. Op?? Ex I6 27 -!- 2 t.; — 1. pick up, gather, c. ace, stones Gn 3i 46 (J), lilies Ct 6 s ; usu. the manna: Ex i6 46M (J), v"- a (P); sq. ?p partit. v 16 (P); bo abs. v 27 Nu 1 1 8 (both JE), Ex 16 171 (P); of animals gathering food JV.2pp? Dr6 jnn •^ 104 28 . 2. specif, glean, abs., Ru 2 8 (c. 3 loc; usu. Pi. in this sense). Pi. Pf. 3 fs. npippl consec. Ru 2 16 , flBp.p Ru 2 1718 ; 2 fs. m& Ru 2 19 ; imp/ B^ Gn 4 7 u +2t.; 3 fs. Bijfcn Ru 2", 'ril Ru 2 317 ; 2 ms. Bj?>i>n Lev 19'+ 2 t.; 1 s. nO^lj Ru 2" (cf. Ba NB1, °' 489 ); Inf. cstr. Bj^p Ru 2 15 + 2 t.; Pt. Bjj&p Is 1 7 s , pi. Msfe Ju I* Je7 18 ; — 1. gather, gatlier up, fallen grapes, Lv 19 10 (H), arrows 1 S 20 38 , (fire-)wood Je 7 18 ; abs. (food from ground) Ju i 7 (cf. GFM); = pick, pick off, 2 K 4 39 - 39 ( + fp of source). 2. fig. collect (money) Gn47 14 (J). 3. specif, glean, after the reapers, usu. abs. Ru 2 3 ' (HHPK), v 17 (all c. 3 loc), v 16 (?"3 loc), v 19 (adv. loc), also v 2 (where 3 may be loc. or partit., cf. Be), also v is.i«.23. c acc j g j ^5 (t3 , p3E', sim. of devastation of land; Ip'Si? *IP«), Ru 2 17 - 18 ; c acc cogn. B$ Lvi 9 9 =2 3 22 (H). Pu. Impf 2 mpl. ^Oppri