Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/78

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TON asseverations 2 K 19 1 ' (=Is 37 19 ) Jb 19 45 34 12 36* Ru 3 12 , also ironical Jb 9 s 1 2 s . tjlESt n.f. firmness, faithfulness, truth (contr. for niDK, fr. |DK) Gn 2 4 48 + 106 t.; sf. taOK, *|nBtj ^ 9 i 4 + 18 t. 1. reliability, sureness: DDK T]T1 sure way Gn 24 48 (J); "OB> TICK *wre reward Pr 1 i ls ; J1DN Jlltf swre token Jos 2 12 (J); n»K JHJ. Je 2 21 . 2. stability, con- tinuance: nONI Dii'B' ^eac« and stability Is 39 s (= 2 K 20 19 ) Est 9 30 Je 33" Zc 8 19 , cf. nCK W& Je 1 4 13 . 3. faithfulness, reliableness: (a) of men DDK B«N faithful man Kef; MCN 'MK Ex i8 21 (E); HDX3 7]?n walk in faithfulness, faith- fully 1 K2 4 3* 2 K 20 3 Is 38 s cf. 1 S 12 24 ; of ", Tjne«3 ^25 6 26 3 86"; riDNn "Vy Zc8 3 ; of men *^ 45' 51 8 2 Chsi 20 32 1 Pr2 9 14 Is io 20 4 2 3 48 1 ; D'Dn3l'N3 Ju 9 1619 Jos 24"; '.^P?" mercy and faithfulness Pr3 3 14 22 16 6 20 28 Ho 4 1 , & the phrase nONl HDn ntPJ* Gn 24 49 47 s9 Jos 2 14 (J) 2 S 15 20 . (6) an attribute of God ^ 54' 71 22 is 38 18 -' 9 61 8 ; net* jna Mi 7 20 ; nos nfeji Ez 18 9 'Neg 33 ; now non n'trj? Gn32 n (J) 2S2 6 ; 21 nDXI IDn abundant in mercy and faithfulness Ex 34 6 (J) yjr 86 15 ; these attributes are also associated ^ 40 1112 61 8 115 1 138 s Is 16 5 Gn 2 4 s7 (J); they are messengers of God tq men ^57 4 85" 89 15 cf. Vm3 3 ; now non '« rwrw i>3 ^ 25 10 ; the faithfulness of God endureth for ever ^ 117 2 ; he keepeth it for ever ^ 146 6 ; it reacheth unto the skies ^57" 108 5 ; it is shield & buckler ^ 91 4 ; he is n»N i>S ^31" = DJ3N v6n 2 Ch 15 3 ; nCK is also associated with the divine -& + 1 1 i 8 ; P# V 8 5 12 ; n i?"!? z c 8 s ; BEtpT? ,/, m 7 Je4 2 ; & salvation i^69 14 . 4. truth (a) as spoken: DDK ~~l speak truth I K 22"2Chi8 ls Je9 4 Zc8 16 f 15 2 ; '« ^Ec^ 10 ; "n*jn np« the thing is true Dt 22 20 iKio' 2 Ch 9 5 Dn io 1 ; nann [13 J T1DN «/ie thing is cer- tainly true Dt 13 15 1 7 4 ; DOK 19K=Ilf3K Dn»K Pr 22 21 ; DON nn Pr8 7 ; 'K T)h Dn n 2 , ^npS ■f30 10 ; nOK nSB* Pr 12 19 ; DCK ? a'«<mels43 9 ; D3J"IK riDNn whether truth is with you Gn 42 16 (E) cf. Is59 14ls . (6) of testimony and judgment no £ "ty <r«« witness Pr 14 26 ; JDXJ1 flON ny Je 42 s '; n»X USTO Ez 18 8 Zc 7 9 ; riDS OSB- Zc 8 16 . (c) of divine instruction DDK 3T13 Dn io 21 ; min Hon Mai 2" cf. Ne 9 13 ; noN imin ^ 119 142 ; nnx yu " in iKif cf. 2 s 7 s8 ; * ^seto don V' 19' ; noK "psn mr ^ 119™; fnttD DDK V' II9 161 - (d) <nt</t as a body of ethical or religious knowledge Dn 8 12 ; "jriBNS Tiltflb Dn 9 13 . 5. adv. in truth, truly yjr 132 11 ; DCS DWK HUT Yahweh is God in truth, truly

Je io 10 ; elsewhere nOK3 J u 9 15 f 145 19 Je 26" 1 28 9 32 41 . tn.pDM n.m. artificer, architect, master- workman, as firm and sure in his workman- ship : ftoK *DXK rvnK} / W as at his side architect, master-workman (® <3 93 Ges Ew De MV RV, > foster-son AE Ki AV) PrS 30 ; ftoKH "OT res< o//A« master-workmen Je 52 15 (Hi Gf De RVm, but rest of the multitude Ges MV RV et al., J1DM = pen) — 1. jiON v. supr. p. 51. till. pT2N (master -workman) (a) king of Judah 2 K i8 192354 - 25 1 Ch 3 14 2 Ch 33 "**" Je i 2 2 5 3 ; (6) captain of a city 1 K 2 2 s6 2 Ch 18 25 ; (c) one of the line of Solomon's servants Ne 7 S9 = ,, ?N Ezr 2". +p:aN (faithful) 1. eldest son of David 2S3 2 i3>*;=} ! b*D|« 2Si3 20 ;=Jipx iCh 3 1 . 2. a son of Shimon 1 Ch 4 20 . prON dimin., so Ew ,ro * cf.W !269 ,or txt. err.; cf. Dr 2 S 1 3 s0 , v. fODX. T^jHQN (irws, fr. rips by adj. affix '.) father of the prophet Jonah 2 K I4 2S Jon i 1 . t ftS^n Heman (failhful,ci. Aram. IP'np, . •ixsotio) a wise man with whom Solomon is compared 1 K 5", where app. son of Mahol (Klo sons of the dance); named with 3 others, one being Ethan the Ezrahite; 1 Ch 2 6 a Heman is named with same 3+1 other, & all called sons of Zerah of Judah; Heman appears jr 88 1 also as the Ezrahite (v. sub mT), cf. Ethan supr.; in other passages Heman is a Levite; specif. Kohathite, son of Joel, called the singer rpf&On) 1 Ch 6 18 (|| Asaph v 24 , Ethan v 29 ); Heman, Asaph & Ethan named as the singers (D*T)feton) 1 Ch 15 1719 ; cf. Heman & Jeduthun 16 414 ' 2 (|| Asaph v 37 ); Heman, Asaph & Jedu- thun 25 6 2 Ch 5 12 35' 5 ; elsewhere fO'HI e)DN »jj [VflTl iCh25> cf. v 4 - 4 - 5 - 6 ; PpW »J1 2Ch29 1 ' 4 . (|| nriW ♦2J);_a5« Heman is called !$fn mh D'H^Nn n3Ta (cf. Asaph 2 Ch 29 30 , Jeduthun 2 Ch 35 15 ). — On question of identity of Heman in these various connections, v. Thes Comm. TjOinO a eunuch of Ahasuerus (id.; but ® 'Afiav) Est i 10 . II. [^C«] v. ICJ. t [7't 1 "] v ^- be stout, strong, bold, alert (ace. to Lag BN28f - fr. earlier }*? c f. Y®*)— Qal P/ 3 pi. rat?K 2 S22 18 + 2 t.;' /wip/ ' rP^.". Gn 25 s3 ; WBJOI 2 Ch 1 3 18 ; 7»n«. rP« Jos i 7 1 Ch