Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/780

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hv Dt3" 33 8 Ju 5" j'iSi' '> hvn nmo bv (Ez

s ), 4 1 2 K 2 7 and they stood p"Vn"?y by the 

Jordan, 25* Is 19/ 38 20 ^ I 3 planted by water- courses, Jei7 28 Jb 30 4 3 1 9 nns by by the entrance, Pr 14", + oft.; "pin by by the way Gn38 21 1 S24 4 ; Ez 48 s4 *■ 1?UJ ?y adjoining his border ; by "QJ? to pass by a place 1 K 9 18 Je 1 8" + , fig. ytys ?y ~ay to pass by transgression, i.e. to overlook it, Mi7 18 al.: • • • P9] 79 on the right of... i//iio B +, . . .Tj^J, <"T& by, • • • 103 ?S on the side of . . . (see these words) : less freq. (exc. as c) with ref. to persons, Nu 2 B Ivy D'?nni and those encamping next him, v i2.20.27 6 9 v 't, y nD nlD , ,3^ 2 K 1 1 u % the king round about (cf. Nu 3 26 supr.), 'B ?y nay Gn ' 2K 4 9 +. b. 2 S 9 710 to eat bread '3 10^ by at any one's table, Ex 16 3 when we sat "l'9"7J "iban, i S 20 24 Kt to sit D.rferr?J> a t meat ; 25 13 30 24 to remain Dvarrpy ; Pr 23 30 to tarry long "trby at (or over) the wine, Jb 39' ! 1jJO^*7$ at thy crib : cf. BEBton by 3E>i>n Is 2 8 6 '.' c. Idiomatically, with "toy and 3W to stand by (lit. over, — orig. no doubt with ref. to one supposed to be seated), Gni8 2 three men V?y D'aSH standing by him, v 8 and he Ivy IDS) standing by him under the tree, 24 30 % the camels, 28" 1 S 4 20 2S1 1 i2 17 20" 12 Am7 7 ;esp.ofpersons standing about a superior, as servants or courtiers, Gn45' Ju 3 19 1S22 6 ' 17 , of persons surrounding a judge Ex 18 1314 , of (Symbol missingHebrew characters)'s heavenly ministers, 1 K 2219 (cf. Is 62 ib byva), ZC4 16 , and with avnn 6 5 Jbi 6 2 1 ; also of one standing by (prop, leaning over) an altar or sacrifice Nu 23 s6 1K13 1 (cf. 7 b) Am 9 1 ; of an Asherah by an altar Ju 6 2528 (cf. ?5f8Dti6 w ). . In connexion with verbs of motion (actual or fig.) : — a. of motion from a higher place downwards, down upon : thus (a) "Vocn ?y to rain upon Gn 2 6 19 24 , ?y TV 15 11 , by pU* to pour upon Gn 2 8' 8 , 'a 'HKIy ?y ^33 Gn 33", V3B i>y ^>S3 to fall on his (own) face 17 317 , DP ^y to put upon, 2i 14 2 2 6 ' 9 24 47 (v 22 Sam Di),

  • |3 ^y ]K to place ora the hand of . . . 40" 21 ,

by ybtin 2S20", etc.; cf. Jb29 22 *]is>n io l ?jn 'nb, Mi 3 6 Na 3 12 . (6) In diff. fig. connexions, as of sleep falling upon one, Gn 2 21 15 12 ; of fear 9 2 I S n 7 (v. "in?, rTTJJJ, nD'K) ; of good or bad fortune, esp. the latter, coming upon one, as with K13 and K*3M, Gn 27 12 Dt 28 s (in good sense), v 15 , Je5 12 19 3 (nyi, as oft.); of retribution, reproach, the Divine wrath, etc., with diff. verbs (t03n, }n:, TV, bm, wk, etc.), as Gn 20 9 Nu 12" nson ; Gn 42 s6 rti?3 Vn ^y upon me are they all ; Nu l8 5 + (^y ^ IWI); Dt I 9 10 DT (cf. ^N 2 S 2I J © We Dr), Ju 9 24 1K2" 2 S 16 8 Ho 1 2 15 ; 2 S 3™; 15 14 ; 1 S 11 s nB-in; Jei 4 16 ; 26 16 'pj 01 (H»), Jon 1 14 ; Ez 7 s - 4 - 8 23 49 36 M ; f 7 17 o^ 23 1095 (Symbol missingHebrew characters) (lay upon me: but Hu sm, Pn7 13 ), 140 11 ; i>l» non *]bb> Ez 7 8 + oft.; without a verb, Gn 16 6 Yfl W& my wrong be upon thee, JeSi 35 (||PN); Gn 27 13 ~rbbp vy; 3s 29 (accents, KV m ); 2S I 16 tot iwtnby, 14 9 liy n ty; Is 24" Je 4 8 43 ; 50 s7 ; Ezi 3 3 .».7S 'in; ^55> 6 Kt.; of a blessing, Ex 32^ jr 3 9 , a curse Dt 30 7 , mercies (prob. conceived spec, as descending from heaven) V' 33 23 86 13 90 17 103 17 (with 13J be mighty over or upon, v 11 117 2 ), 116 12 145 9 Ezr 3", Dl^t? ^I25 6 128 6 lCh22 9 . (c) Introducing the object w/fon which an action, or emotion, esp. if accompanied by a gesture, is conceived as being directed (but with some of these words, esp. when they refer to an event, rather than a person, as Ex 18 9 , py is to be explained from 1 f b). Thus with verbs denoting the manifestation of joy or grief, as tri& to rejoice over, 7% nc'E>, Jiynn, IKSnn, pn'e>, bin, nsD, doe', naa Jun 37 +, t&: (t'E'D) fWp to take up a lament, or proverb, over (see these words) ; prob. also in by K33n prophecy over Ez 1 1 4 13 17 +; with Din, port, Drn to shew compassion on (cf. 1 K 3 26 [Gn 43 30 ?x], Ct 5 4 [Je 3 1 20 P]); with "«3tf, 1pB>, Tjg (Jb 8") to guurd or watch over; with fy' to counsel upon Is 1 4 26 + , apn to devise (usu. in bad sense, Je 29 11 in good), "l?" 1 ! (nyi Je n 17 + , naio 18 20 3 2 42 ), W D'pn Je 29 10 . Of more distinctly phys. acts, with n33 to weep on Gn45 1415 +, plE* to hiss, pDD or Sp ypn to clap the hand, f)3 nan Ez 22 13 (|| ba) ; Is 5 30 to growl over, 3 1 4 Ez 36 s Jb 30 5 ; iTJinn to confess over (the goat), Lvi6 21 ; Ex 30 10 * (prob.); Dt2i 6 ; Jb6 27 4 o 30 . b. From a lower place upwards, up upon, up to, as by n?y to go up upon : Ex 20 26 1 S 2 21 * 1 K i2 33b 2 K i6 12b 2 Ch i 6 (an altar, i.e. to a ledge beside it; cf. 2 K 23", and TV Lv 9 s2 1 K i 63 ); Ju9 51 Is 14 14 40 9 , etc.; to come up upon (in diff. connexions) Ex io 12 Lv 16 9 (fig.), 1 9 19 1 S 1 " 6 7 1 K 1 o 1617 ; fig. 2b by npy Is 6 5 17 +