Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/958

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pm tDrn" 1 (may lie be compassion- ated; cf. Lag BNl34 ); — 1. father of Elkanah, grandf. of Sam., Ephraimite 1S1 1 (lf/>f/«[i]i;X, A Upoap); Levite i Ch 6 1219 (&a f p, HaaX ; A If poffoa/i, Uptap; ®L UpapatjK). 2. Benjamites: a. i Ch 8 27 lpaap, etc. (appar. = ntonj v"). b. 9 s , © id. (=af). 3. priests: a.' i Ch 9 12 , l(f)paap, etc. b. Neil", l(<)poap. 4. father of a hero of David i Ch 1 2 s (van d. H. v 7 ), Paap, A ®L Upoap. 5. Danite i Ch 27 s2 , lapap (®L as 4). 6. father of a captain with Jehoiada, 2 Ch 23 1 , o>pap. T7NQTTV (may El have com- passion} Upaptrjk, etc.; — 1. name in Judah iCh 2 9.js.w.2j. : o.«( cf adj. gent. foil.). 2. son of king Jehoiakim Je36 26 . 3. Levite, 1O124 59 . "HSWDrW (earlier than fore- going ; as tribal name bef. [For radical view of relations of 'ITV, (with many text, emendations), v. Che E,,c,r - Blb ' "««■»■]);_ 'Til as subst. coll., Til 333 1S27 10 the Negeb of the Yerahmeelites (in S. Judah), (i/drov) Utrptya, A apaprpct, ©L fppa>i> • rfl *T» 30 29 , toC Io-poijX, A Upa m X« (cf. 1 supr., and Gray r^- *■ »«•».«). II. DPR (-/of foil.; cf. Ar. 'J^ vulture; n. unit. iXo^)- t Dm n. [m.] carrion-vulture ; — abs. *in T T L J < T Lvn' 8 (Sam. nom ; so perh. read) = n >?rnn || Dt 14" (on accent v. Dr; cf. Ges* 90f ). TnCrP n. [m.] id.; Dt 14 1 ', v. foregoing. [Ml (appar. -/of foil. ; meaning dubious). tnomfl [m.? £.1] child of Caleb I Ch 2 48 ; Oapap, A Bapxpn, @L Qapaapa. fl. [*in*1] vb. grow soft, relax (cf. Ar. i—Li^ be soft) ; — Qal Pf 3 pi. 'Bnn Je 2 3° (bones of one appalled). til- ^n"! vb. Pi. hover (NH id., cf. Grunbaura 2 ^ 1 """ 18 ** 007 ; Syr. Pa. *Zi move gently, also cherish, and brood, cf. Thess.v.; connexion with I. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) dub.); — Pi. Impf. 3 ms. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Dt 3211 (poem) of vulture hovering over young; Pt. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Gn 12 (P) ; hovering over face of waters, or perh. (v. Syr.) brooding (and fertilizing), so JerQuaest. in Gen. ed. Lag. 4 (reading ' marahaefeth'), cf. Di Gunk. T*n™l vb. wash, wash off, away, bathe (NH = BH ; Ar. u i^ (also of garments); Eth. C.tiiQ;. t./h&: sweat; cf. As. rahdsu, overflow, flood (on A = c v. No ZHGxl(18 w- 727 ));— Qal M Pf. 3 ms. '"» Is 4* + , etc.; Impf. 3 ms. pfTV Dt 2 3 12 + etc; 7m«. ms. TO"! 2 S 1 1 8 2 K 5 13 ; mpl. Wfjl Gn i8 4 + ; Inf. cstr. flT) Gn 24 32 + > rrarr$ Ex 3 o 18 +; p<. fe. nxrh 2 Sn 2 , fpi. niJfnn Ct5 12 ; — 1. trans, wash (with water), c. ace. feet (B&n ; 0?P?oft. expr.), Gn 18 4 19 2 2 4 32 43 24 (all J), Ju ifiS 25" 2 S n< Ct 5 3 ; Venn ana rpys "v ,/, 58 11 (fig. of righteous, at (Symbol missingHebrew characters)'s vengeance); c. acc. hands ((Symbol missingHebrew characters)) Dt216 (+by (Symbol missingHebrew characters) over, in ceremonial, to express innocence), hence fig. |*f?B -S3 'is ^, 2 6 6 73 13 ; hands and feet Ex 3 o 19 (-riP of laver), v 21 40 31 ( + f» «£,• all P); c. ace. face 0^?) Gn43 31 (J); c. ace. pers. Ez 1 6 9 Ex 29 4 40 12 Lv 8 B (all P), ace. hfcf (oft, || D33 of garments), Lv 14 9 i5 13 + 9 t. P (H); c. ace. of parts of sacrificial victim EX29 1 ' Lvi 913 8 21 9"; wash off, away, c. ace. of filth Is 4* (fig.). 2. intrans. wash, bathe (oneself): Ex 2 5 (E), 2S 11 2 12 20 1 K 22 s8 2 K 5 101213 Is i 16 Ez 2 3 4l, ( + $> pers. for whom), Ru 3 3 Lv 14 s -)- 14 t. P (oft. || D33); +3 of laver 2 Ch4 66 ; of eyes, bathed in milk (3^>na) ct 5 12 (fig.); Jb 29" (fig.), v. ipi>n, tPn. Pf. 3 ms. Yip Pr30 12 be washed ( + IP of filth, fig.); 2 fs.nsrn *6 B?pa Ez 16 4 (in fig.). tHithp. Pf. 1 s. St* 103 viymnn Jb 9 30 if I washed myself in snow (fig.). T[yrn] n.[m.] washing, fig.; — only sf. in

  • ?rn I'D yj, 6o'° Moab is my waeh-pot= 108 1 ".

tnSrn n.f. id., lit.;— "irrjp fy, of sheep, Ct 4 2 6 6 (in sim.). t pn I vb. be, or become, far, distant (NH = BH ; As. esp. adj. rtiku, far; cf. Ar. ij-^j choice wine (i.e. from a distance) Fra 158 ; Eth' Cfh<P: be far, Sab. pm CIS"' "«• m - M ; Aram. P^D"!, P01, and (oft. in der. spec, and deriv.) aI»);— Qal Pf 3 ms/") Is 59 s Lai 16 , etc.; Impf. 3 ms. PP"£ Dt i2 21 + , etc.; Imv. fs. 'PD! Is 54 14 , mpl. Ipni Ez 1 1 15 < Pf. VD2 Ba Hi Sm Co Toy Krae ; Inf. cstr. prri + 1 03 12 Ec 3 5 , nj?rnb Ez8 6 ; — be far, distant: c. |0 pers., of place Dt 12 21 14 24 , of pers., = neglect, abandon, Pr 19', esp. in ylrf, of i//- 2 2 12M (IP pers. om.), 35 s2 38^ 7 1 12 ; of utter absence, or non-existence La I 16 , cf. Is 49 19 (abs.), subj. justice Is 59 s1 (opp. 3'ETl), cf. v 11 (|| ?:«), subj. blessing f iog 17 ; subj. riSJ? CyBH Jb 2 1 16 2 2 18 ; c. ^J?» pers. ('■-), of Isr. (fig.) Je 2', cf. Ez 44 10 ; = far from (land of) '» 1 1 15 (v. supr.; Krae ins. H?)j 6. ^P loc. Ez8 6 (of"),