Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/959

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nm IP loc. (E. from W.) i// 103"; c. ft? rei (fig.): ^rnin n 9 '"> ( opP . 3-ip); yt?>>p Jb5 14 , PpQ Is 54 14 , cf. Pr22 5 ; =wholly abstain from Ex 23' (E), so ( inf.) Ec35; abs. of (Symbol missingHebrew characters)'s righteousness, with ref. to time Is 46" (|| ins* ; opp. 3"ip). — pn~pn"l* Mi 7" boundary shall become distant, i.e. territory be enlarged (1 crpt., cf. We Now) ; (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Kt Ec 126 be removed? Qr (Symbol missingHebrew characters) be joined^ © avarpanfj, 55 rwmpatur, cf. @, rd. prob. pn£ Pfannk Thes Ew De Siegf Buhl L ". Pi. P/. 3 ras. PD"i Is 6 12 , of /, J send /ar away, ace. pers.; of people, "1 tap 29", c. IP of '*;

ms. IJIpnn 26 10 <Aoit hast far extended (c. ace.) 

all the ends (boundaries) of the land ; Impf.

mpl. Drmrns pm; Ez 43 9 . Hiph. P/ 3 ms. 

pirn jb i 9 ,:! ^ 103 12 , 1 s. sf. wpgnTTi Ez u 16 , etc.; /my;/. 3 ms. sf. HSp'riT Pr 22 15 , 2 ms. p^in Jb 2 2 ra , etc.; Imv. ms.'pnin Pr 4 24 + 2 t., prnn Jbi 3 21 , sf. inp'n-in n";'/n/. abs. pnin*Gn i ,6 + , c««r. PWKJ Je27 10 , sf. Dp/nin J04 6 ;— 1. dir. caus. make, or exhibit, distance, be gone far, subj. pers.: Gn44 4 (J), c. JP loc. Jos8 4 (JE), Ju 18 22 ; sq. inf. cstr. nbb "in N 1 ; prnnEx8 24 (J), cf. ijr 55 8 ; Inf. abs. as adv. = at a distance Gn 2i 16 (E), c. iP loc. Ex 3 3 7 (E), Jos 3 16 (JE; "WJ IP IKO, Qr ; > Kt 2 for JD). 2. indir. caus. remove, put far away, c. ace. pers. + ?J?P of land Je 2 7 10 , cf. Jo 4 6 , + i>$?P pers. Jbi9' 3 and (ace. piBXn) Jo2 20 , + IPpers.'f88 919 ; + 0^33 Ezn 16 ; e. ace. *|3 + ?yp pers. Jb 13 21 , c. ace. ~i~$% + id. Pr 5 s ; c. ace. of sin + IP pers. 4 24 Jb 1 1 " (IP pers. om.); Pr22 15 30 8 i|' 103 12 ; +JP loc. Jb22 23 . LP'^J *dj.verb.removing,departing;— pi. sf., as subst., TP n l V'73 2 ' those departing from thee (i.e. from '♦). tpm , pin~J adj. distant, far, et n.m. jM34 distance" (Lag B * 3 >);_ abs. tff) Ex2 4 + , P^") Ez6 ,2 +; fs. n^nn Dtso 1 ^, np T irn jos 9 6 + ;' mpl. Cpn") Dti3 8 +, etc., fpl. abs. niph") Je 48 s4 + , etc.; — oft. opp. 3*np : 1. adj. a. of space: distant, land Jos 9 s9 ( + "INO), Dt 29 21 1 K 8 4146 =2 Ch e 3236 , 2 K 2o"=Is 39 3 , " l D "N Is 66 19 + perh. f 65 s (Che We read D?N for D; ; Weir in Che D^13 ; MT makes '1 = distant ones, people); c. IP pers., of peoples Jos g°° (JE), Ju 18 7 , persons Ez 22 5 Ne 4 13 Pr 15 29 ( fig.), cf. Je 12* (id.), cities Dt 20 15 , so (IP loc.) Ju 18 28 ; abs. of people Jo 4", persons Is m" 57 19 Je 25 20 Ez 6 12 Zc 6 1S Pr 27 10 L)n g 7 Est 9 20 , cities Je 48", trees ^56" (title; v. nji* ad fin., p. 401), of distant journey Nu 9 10 (P) ; fig., pin"; pred. (indef.) Ec 7 24 , of '<* B ITJJt? Dt 30 11 ; c. IP pers. (L c absent from, lacking to), of salvation ifr 119 155 , wisdom Ec 7 21 ; of pers. c. IP of act or quality Is 46 12 yjr 2 2 2 ; of price, c. IP corn p. = far beyond Pr 3 1 10 . b. of time : Tt&tri trnyb EZ12 27 . 2. n.m. always sing.: a. of space : distance Jos 3 4 (D); elsewhere c. prep.: (1) '"P from a distance, c. verbs implying motion, physical or mental: look Gn 24 4 (E) 37 18 (J) Jb 2 12 36*; bring Dt 28 49 Is 43' 60 9 , cf. Je 46 s7 ; come Is 49 12 60 4 Hb I 8 ; hear Is 49 1 ; smell Jb 39 2S ; remember Jesi 50 ; understand tyi^c?) prob. also worship Ex 24 1 (J); (2) "ID at a dis- tance (IP 1 c) Ex2 4 (E), 20 18 - 2 ' (E; Gi v 1518 ), 1 S 26 13 2 K 2 7 Is 5 s6 59 14 ^ 3 8 12 , cf. *HJ vfa J e 23 23 a God afar off (on Ges ' I30 *; < read

  • 1 DTl/K Gie, cf. ®); (3) "W? to a distance (IP

1 c) Is2 2 3 23 7 Pr7 19 ; (4) "13 at a distance |io'; T"iy to a distance Mi4 3 ; also c. two prepp. : (5) "tpb/rom (IP 9 b), Jb 3 6 3 39 s9 ; (6) "ip-iy (in.iy I. la) foa distance Is 57 s + Ne 12 43 van d. H. py om. Baer Gi); even (7) "ip?-iy (nylll.) 2Ch26 ls Ezr 3 13 . b. of time, '^'long ago Is 22 11 , c. noun = ancient, of long standing 25 1 ; "IDp long ago 2 K I9 25 = Is 37 26 ; from afar 2S7 19 =lCh I 7 17 . T pmQ n.m. distant place, distance : — abs. 'd IsV o 3 + , pDip + 1 3 8 8 ; pi. D^rnp Zc 1 o 9 , n P Is 33 17 Je8' 9 , cstr. "^n-lD Is 8 9 ;— distant place, far country Is 8 9 Zc 10 9 ; often c. YT$ : PC 1 "!^ 71 ) '** land of distance, distant land Is 13 s 46" Je 4 16 6 20 Pr 25 25 , so c. pi. D-pniD '« Je 8 19 , land of distances, i.e. of wide extent, Is 33 1 ' ; 'tsp from far Is io 3 30 27 Je 5 15 Ez 23 40 Pr 31 14 ; fig. jr 1 38 s ; Isp at a distance Je 31 10 , to a dis- tance Is 17". — 'an n"3 v. p. 112. tt£^m vb. keep moving, stir (NH stir, move, esp. of lips in speech, also, in expl. of nijimo, of stewing, boiling; Aram. B^n"), ,»2», «L>, creep, move, flutter, LL>.» reptile; — Qal P/. 3 ms. 3iD nn-n 'sb 1 f 45 2 ?« a s«tV. TnttJn^Q n.f. stew-pan, sauce-pan (so NH ; v! eV- Levy 3 ™ 1 " 8 '"• 69b , and cf. NH E*irn Id ib.iv.«3.._' D nmt? Lv2 7 /G>3 n'B^;? [nraoj-^s f. Tjiri"! n.[f.] winnowing-shovel, or the like (A/unknown ; Thes fr. nr = ventilabrum, cf. No ZMOxl(1886) ' 728 ; Wetzst in De 1 *®- 709 fr. nm = li.. be soft, loose, friable, etc., cf. K5" 1 ' 1 "; NH = BH, Ar.cJ^ is prob. loan- wd. No 1 c );— rmtsa* "13 nni is 30 24 .