Page:A History of Art in Ancient Egypt Vol 2.djvu/13

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List of Illustrations. ix FIG. PAGE 73. Sixteen-sided pillar 96 74. Polygonal column with a flat vertical band 98 75. Polygonal pier with mask of Hathor 98 76. Column from Beni-Hassan 99 77. Column at Luxor 10 1 78. Column at Medinet-Abou 10 1 79. Column at Medinet-Abou 102 80. Column from the Great Hall at Karnak 103 81. Column from the Hypostyle Hall of the Ramesseum 103 82. Column of Soleb 104 83. Column of Thothmes at Kamak 104 84. Comer pier from the temple at Elephantine' 106 85. Pier with capital 107 86. Osiride pier 109 87. Hathoric pier from Eilithya in 88. Hathoric pier from a tomb in 89. Column at Kalabche' 112 90. Column of Thothmes HI 113 91. Base of a column 115 92. Bell-shaped capital 117 93. Capital at Sesebi 119 94. Capital from the temple of Xectanebo. at Philae 119 95. Capital from the work of Thothmes, at Karnak 120 96. Arrangement of architraves upon a capital 120 97. The Nymphaea Xelumbo 123 98. Pap}Tus plant 127 99. Small chamber at Karnak 134 100. Apartment in the temple at Luxor 134 loi. Hall of the temple at Abydos 134 102. Plan of part of the Hypostyle Hall at Karnak 134 103. Tomb at Sakkarah 135 104. Hall in the inner portion of the Great Temple at Karnak 135 105. Portico of the first court at Medinet-Abou 135 106. Portico of the first court at Luxor 135 107. The portico of the pronaos, Luxor 136 108. Part plan of the temple at Elephantine' 136 109. Luxor, plan of the second court 136 no. Portico in the Temple of Khons 137 111. Luxor, portico of the first court 137 112. Part of the portico of the first court, Luxor 138 113. Portico in ft-ont of the facade of the temple of Goumah 13S 114. Part of the Hypostyle Hall in the Great Temple at Karnak 13S 115. Second Hypostyle Hall in the temple of Abydos 139 116. Hall in the speos of Gherf-Hossein 139 117. Medinet-Abou: first court 139 118. Medinet-Abou; second court 139 VOL. II. b