Page:A History of Art in Ancient Egypt Vol 2.djvu/14

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List of Illustrations. FIG. PAGE 119. Portico of the Temple of Khons 140 120. Portico of first court at Luxor 140 121. Anta, Luxor 141 122. Anta, Gournah 141 123. Anta, Medinet-Abou 141 124. Anta in the Great Hall of Karnak 141 125. Antae, Temple of Khons 142 126. Anta and base of pylon, Temple of Khons "... 142 127. Antae, Medinet-Abou 143 128. Antae, Medinet-Abou 143 129. Anta and column at Medinet-Abou 145 130. Column in the court of the Bubastides 146 131. Stereobate 148 132. Stereobate with double plinth 148 133. Pluteus in the intercolumniations of the portico in the second court of the Ramesseum 150 134. Doorway 151 135. Cornice of the Ramesseum 152 136. Cornice of a wooden pavilion 152 137. Pedestal of a Sphinx 153 138. Cornice under the portico •. 153 139. Fragment of a sarcophagus 154 140. Fragment of decoration from a royal tomb at Thebes 154 141. Plan of doorway, Temple of Elephantine' 157 142. Plan of doorway. Temple of Khons 157 143. Plan of door^vay in the pylon, Temple of Khons 157 144. 145. The pylon and propylon of the hieroglyphs 157 146. Gateway to the court-yard of the small Temple at Medinet-Abou . . . 158 147. A propylon with its masts 158 148. A propylon 159 149. Gateway in the inclosing wall of a Temple 159 150. Doorway of the Temple of Khons 160 151. Doorway of the Temple of Gournah 160 152. Doorway of the Temple of Seti 161 153. 154. Windows in the Royal Pavilion at Medinet-Abou 162 155. Attic of the Great Hall at Karnak 163 156. Claustra of the Hypostyle Hall, Karnak 165 157. Claustra in the Hypostyle Hall of the Temple of Khons 166 158. Method of lighting in one of the inner halls of Karnak ....... 167 159. Auxiliary light-holes in the Hypostyle Hall at Karnak 167 160. Method of lighting one of the rooms in the Temple of Khons .... 167 161. Light openings in a lateral aisle of the Hypostyle Hall in the Ramesseum 168 162. The Temple of Amada 168 163. Claustra . 168 164. Window of a house in the form of (T/rtw^/rrt' 169 165. Window closed by a mat 169