Page:A History of Hindi Literature.djvu/61

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THE MUGHAL COURT & HINDI LITERATURE 47 Kdlidds Trivedl (fl. circ. 1700), of BanpurS- in the Doab, was for many years in attendance at the court of Aurangzeb, and afterwards at that of the Raja of Jambu. He is considered to be an excellent poet. Among other works he compiled an anthology, called Kdlidds Hajdrd, which contains a thousand poems selected from the works of over two hundred poets from 1423 to 1718. Alam (fi. 1703) was a Brahman who fell in love wnth a Muhammadan woman named Shekh Rangrezin, who was a dyer by trade. He became a Muhammadan and married her, Shekh Rangrezin also wrote poetry. Alam was in the service of Muazzam Shah, son of Aurangzeb. His poetry is considered to be very beautiful. Sripaii (fl. 1720) is counted as one of the authorities on poetical composition. His most famous work is the Kdvya Saroj . He wrote several other works also. Suraii Mi^ra (fl. 1729) , of Agra, wrote a commen- tary on the Sat Sal of Bihari Lai, and also one on the Rasik Priyd of Ke^dv Dds. He also wrote works on rhetoric and other subjects, including a NakHikh. Gahjan (fl. 1729), of Benares, was a Brahman who was in the service of Qamruddin Khan (the Vazir of the Emperor Muhammad Shah) who gave the poet liberal rewards. At the orders of his patron Ganjan wrote a work on poetics in which there are many verses in praise of the Vazir. It is considered to be a work of great merit. Guru Datt Si?igk (fl. 1734) was Raja of AmethL He wrote under the name of Bhupati. His principal work was an excellent Sat Sal in imitation of that of Bihari Lai. Tosh Nidhi (fl. 1734) lived at Singraur in the district of Allahabad. He wrote the Sudhdnidhi and other works on poetics including a Nakhsikh, which are much admired. Dalpati Rdy, a merchant, diVid. Ba7isidhar, a Brahman (fl. 1735 j, both of whom lived at Ahmedabad, wrote in collaboration the Alahkdr Ratndkar. It was inscribed