Page:A History of Hindi Literature.djvu/62

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48 A HISTORY OF HINDI LITERATURE to Raja Jagat Singh, of Udaipur, and is a kind of commentary on the Bhasha Bhushan of Raja Jaswant Singh. Som7iath (fl. 1737) was a Brahman who was patro- nised by a son of the Raja of Bharatpur. Among other works he wrote the Piyiish Nidhi, which is considered to be a standard work on the art of poetry. Ras Lhi (fi. 1740) , whose real name was Sayyad Gulam Nabi, of Bilgram, in the district of Hardoi, wrote several works on poetics which include a Nakh'sikh called Ahg Darpayi. Uday Nath Trivedl (fl. 1740), of Banpura in the Doab, was the son of Kalidas Trivedi. He was the poet-laureate at the court of the Raja of Amethi, and wrote on the subject of poetics. His son Dulah Trivedi ("fl. 1750) also wrote on the same subject. Bairl Sal (fl. 1768) wrote on the subject of rhetoric. His Bhasha Bharan is considered to be a standard work of great excellence. Kishor (fl. 1768) was an excellent poet whose various detached verses are collected in the Kishor Sahgrah, He is considered to be very successful in his description of the six seasons. Datt or Dev Datt (fl. circ. 1770) was the author of the Lalitya Lata, a work on rhetoric which is said to resemble the Lalit Lalmi of Mati Ram. Chandan Ray (fl. 1773) attended the court of the Raja of Gaur. He wrote many esteemed works on the art of poetry. • He had twelve pupils, all of whom became successful poets. Ratan Kavi (born circ. 1741) wrote works on poetics, which include the Fateh Shah Prakds and the Fateh Bhushan. He is considered to be a poet of great merit. His examples are mostly verses in praise of his patron Fateh Shah of Bundela. Mani Ram Misra (fl. 1772) has given in the fifty- six verses of his Chhand Chhappani a very concise and well-written account of the art of poetry. This poern, which somewhat resembles the Sanskrit Sutras, is considered to be very excellent.