Page:A History of Indian Philosophy Vol 1.djvu/187

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VI] J auza Literature 17 1 preserved a list of the succession of their teachers from Mahavira (sthav£ra'()al£, pat!iivali, gltrvavalz) and also many legends about them such as those in the Kalpasiltra, the Parzsi#a-parvall of Hemacandra, etc. The Canonical and other Literature of the Jains. According to the J ains there were originally two kinds of sacred books, the fourteen Piirvas and the eleven Ailgas. The Piirvas continued to be transmitted for some time but were gradually lost. The works known as the eleven Ailgas are now the oldest parts of the existing Jain canon. The names of these are Acara, Siitrakrta, Sthana, Samaviiya BJzagavati, jfuitadhar- makathas, Upasakadasas, A lltakrtadasas A 111tttaraupapatikadasas, Prasna'i'Yakara?w, Vipaka. In addition to these therearethetwelve UpiiizgasI, the ten Prakir?zas 2 , six Chedasiltras 3 , Nandi and Alllt- yogadviira and four llIztlaszltras (Uttaradhyayana, A vasyaka, Dasavaikalika, and Pi?ltjaniryukti). The Digambaras however assert that these original works have all been lost, and that the present works which pass by the old names are spurious. The original language of these according to the J ains was Ardhama- gadhi, but these suffered attempts at modernization and it is best to call the language of the sacred texts J aina Prakrit and that of the later works J aina Mahara!ri. A large literature of glosses and commentaries has grown up round the sacred texts. And besides these, the J ains possess separate works, which contain systematic expositions of their faith in Prakrit and Sanskrit. Many commentaries have also been written upon these indepen- dent treatises. One of the oldest of these treatises is U masvati's Tattviirthadhigamaszltra (1-85 A.D.). Some of the most important later J aina works on which this chapter is based are Viseava- syakabhaya, Jaina Tarkavarttika, with the commentary of Santyacaryya, DravyaSa1!lgraha of Nemicandra (1150 A.D.), Syadvadamaiijari of Malliena (1292 A.D.), Nyiiyavatara of Siddhasena Divakara (533 A.D.), Parika1Jlltkhasittralaghltvrtti of Anantaviryya (1039 A.D.), Prameyakalllalamarta?u!a of Prabha- 1 Aupapiitika, Riijaprafniya, Jiviibhigama, PrajliiiPanll, fambudvipapraJliapti, Candraprajliapti, Siiryaprajliapti, Nirayiivali, Kalpiivata,!lsikii, Pu!pikii, PUfPacztlikii, VNidafds. 2 Catu!zfaraa, Sa1!lstiira, Aturapratyiikhyiina, BhaktllPari/liii, Tadulavaiyiili, Cat/ii.vija, Dt'1Jendrastava, Ga'.ziv[ja, Jl,Iahiipratyiikhyi'ma, Virastava. 3 Nifitha, l1Ialliinifitha, Vyavahiira, Dafafrutaskandha, Brhatkalpa, Paiicakalpa.