Page:A History of Indian Philosophy Vol 1.djvu/188

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17 2 The Jaina Philosophy [CH. candra (825 A.D.), Yogasastra of Hemacandra(1088-1 17 2A . D .),and Pramii.?la1zayatattvalokala1?zkii.ra of Deva Suri (1086-1169 A.D.). I am indebted for these dates to VidyabhuaI:ta's Indian Logic. I t may here be mentioned that the J ains also possess a secular literature of their own in poetry and prose, both Sanskrit and Prakrit. There are also many moral tales (e.g. Samaraicca-kaha, Upamitabhavaprapafzca-kathii. in Prakrit, and the Yasastilaka of Somadeva and Dhanapala's Ti/akama11jarZ); J aina Sanskrit poems both in the Pura1!a and Kavya style and hymns in Prakrit and Sanskrit are also very numerous. There are also many J aina dramas. The J aina authors have also contributed many works, original treatises as well as commentaries, to the scientific litera- ture of India in its various branches: grammar, biography,metrics, poetics, philosophy, etc. The contributions of the J ains to logic deserve special notice 1 . Some General Characteristics of the J ains. The J ains exist only in India and their number IS a little less than a million and a hal£ The Digambaras are found chiefly in Southern India but also in the North, in the North-western pro- vinces, Eastern Rajputana and the Punjab. The head-quarters of the Svetambaras are in Gujarat and Western Rajputana, but they are to be found also all over Northern and Central India. The outfit of a monk, as Jacobi describes it, is restricted to bare necessaries, and these hemust beg-clothes, a blanket,analms- bowl, a stick, a broom to sweep the ground, a piece of cloth to cover his mouth when speaking lest insects should enter it 2 . The outfit of nuns is the same except that they have additional clothes. The Digambaras have a similar outfit, but keep no clothes, use brooms of peacock's feathers or hairs of the tail of a cow (camara)3. The monks shave the head or remove the hair by plucking it out. The latter method of getting rid of the hair is to be preferred, and is regarded sometimes as an essential rite. The duties of monks are very hard. They should sleep only three hours and spend the rest of the time in repenting of and expiating sins, meditating, studying, begging alms (in the afternoon), and careful inspection of their clothes and other things for the removal of insects. The lay- men should try to approach the ideal of conduct of the monks 1 See Jacobi's article on Jainism, E. R. E.

See ..'io{ldarfallasamuaaya, chapter IV.

2 See J acohi, loc. cit.