Page:A History of Indian Philosophy Vol 1.djvu/521

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guzakalpanii, 340 n. GUI;lamati, 120 GUQaratna,2, 3, 7, 7 8n ., 79, I...., 115 n., 119 11 ., 162n., 1631Z., 17on., 175n., 17611., 18611., 194 n., 203 n., 206 n., 213, 217, 218,220, 222, 223 GUI;laS, 323 guasalznivefavife!a, 255 gU1}Qsthanas, 192 n. guIJatva, 287, 290 guiintariidhii Ita, 232 gupti, 195 guru, 69, 422 gurukulaviisa, 283 guru-mata, 69, 370 ; story relating to, 69 n. gurutva, 281, 285n., 291,316 Gurvavali, 171 Haimavatas, I I 2 Haldane, 40 n. Hamsa, 2811., 228 Haribhadra, 2, 7, 6811., 222 Harinatha Viarada, 2 I 3 n. Harivarman, 124 n. Harvard University, 231 Hastabdlaprakaraavrtti, 129 Hastikiikhyastttra, 125 n. Ha!hayoga, 229 Haug, [0, 20, 21, 22, 36 Hayagriva, 2811. Heaven, 17, 23, 76, 394, 399, 4 0 5 Hemacandra, 172, 180 n., 199, 203 n., 237 Henotheism, 17, 18, 19 Heresies, 65, 78, 236 Heresy, 109 Heretical opinions, 68 Heretics, 138, 150, 151, 167 Heterodox, 83 hetu, 79, 84, 93,95, 18 5, 18611.,293,29 6 , 3 0 3, 343, 344, 345, 34 6 , 347,34 8 , 349, 35 0 , 353, 3 8 9, 393, 4 2 7 hetupratyaya, 139 Hetuvadins, I I 2 hetuvibhakti, 18611. hetttpa1libandha, 143 hetvabhiisa, 294, 29 6 , 344, 3 60 heyopiideyiirthavi!ayii, 16311. Hillebrandt, 36, 21 I n. Himavat, 282 n. Himalaya, 282 n. hil!Zsii, 193, 200 hi'.1Zsopakiiridii1la, 200 Hinayana, 124 lZ., 125, 126 Hindi, 40 Hindu, I, 7, 8, 14, 29, 57, 84, 151 n., 155 n., 163'Z., 279, 309,323,394, 422, 429,430,440; law, 11,69; Nyaya, 309; philosophy, 41, 167; philosophy- mythological, 4; philosophy-not in- fluenced by Pali Buddhism, 83; schools of thought, 412; six systems ofthought, 7; thinkers, 47 0 ; thought, 78, I 13, 14:-; writers, 129; yoga, 203 Index 5°5 Hindu Chemistry, 251 n., 321, 322 n., 327 n. Hindu m01lism, 33 II., 34 n. Hindus, 4, 10, II, 4 1 ,67, 236, 237, 3 01 , 3 0 9, 37 I, 43 0 I1iraQyagarbha, 23, 32,52; hymn in praise of, 19 Historical Survey 0/ Indian Logic, 276 n. Hist01J' 0/ Hindu Chemistry, 254 n. History of Indian Literature, 13 n., 23 011 . History of Indian Philosophy, attempt possible, 4; chronological data, 6; de- velopment, 5; different from history of European philosophy, 6; method of study, 64 History 0/ Sanskrit Literature, 13 n. hita, 12 hitatd, 136 Hoemle, 8011., 173 n. hotr, 36 hrasva, 314, 3 I 5 hrasvapari1lliia, 314 n., 315 hymns, 283 Hyper-tr!?Qa, 90 II. Hypothetical, 157, 158 iccha, 316, 325 idalll, 449 Idealism, 128 Identity, 160, 162; of essence, 322, 347, 35 2 Ignorance, 59, 74, I II, 132, 133, 134, 13 139, 143, 259, 2 6 7, 268, 27 6 , 3 00 , 3 6 5, 455, 457, 47 2 ihiilllutraphalabhogaviriiga, 437 Illusion, ....0, 146, 237, 260 n., 261 n., 26 9, 3 0 3, 33 1 , 33 2 n., 337, 3 8 4, 385, 3 86 , 4 11 , 4 20 , 44 0 , 44 1 , 44 6 , 45 0 , 45 1 , 452, 453, 457, 459, 4 6 9, 4 8 5, 4 86 , 4 88 , 4 8 9, 493 Illusory, 127, 129, 139, 142, 147, 161, 168, 240, 257"., 373, 375, 3 8 5, 3 86 , 4 12 , 4 2 5, 435, 439, 44 0 , 443, 445, 44 8 , 449, 45 1 , 45 2 , 453, 455, 45 8 , 4 6 7, 4 68 , 47 0 , 47 2 , 4 88 , 4 8 9, 49 1 Illusory perception, 152 Images, 262 Imagination, 225, 269 Imagining, 299 Immaterial cause, 376, 380 Immortal, 58 Impermanence, 126 Implication, 18 5, 391 Implicatory communications, 94 Indefinable, 429, 467, 4 6 8, 4 8 7, 493 Indetern1inate, 185, 213, 225, 245, 261, 262, 33 1 , 334, 339, 37 8 , 379, 4 12 , 4 1 3, 4 16 India, I, 5, 6, 7, 10, I, 46, 47. 50, 62, 63, 64, 66, 67, 77, 78, 81, 16 4 , 172, 394 bldian A1ltiquary, 170n., 277 n., 419n. Indian ideas, similarity with European