Page:A History of Indian Philosophy Vol 1.djvu/522

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5 06 ideas, 9; languages, 121; logic, 17 2 , 309, 350, 388 n. ; Medieval School, 309 n.; mind, 3 I Indian philosophy, 62, 67, 113, 197,23 2 , 355, 3 60 , 3 80 , 3 8 5, 4 0 7, 4 6 5; associa- tion and conflict of systems in, 6; difficulties, 3; historical records, 5; history of, 3, 5; later stages, 5, 6; method of treatment different, 62; not popularised, I; not translatable, I; optimism of, 76; order of systems of, 9; texts published, I Indians, I, 3, 74, 160 n., 169 Indian, scholars, 41; system, 64, 14....; thinkers, 3; thought, 22; wisdom, 4 0 Indian systems, 75, 180, 18 5, 394, 4 18 ; karma theory, general account of, 7 I ; pessimistic attitude of, 75; points of agreement between, 7 I , 77 Individual, 117, 118, 119, 122 Indo-European, 10 Indra, 18, 21, '272 illdriya, 123, 184'1., 193. 228n., 47 2 indnyiirtha, 214, 288 Inertia, 246 Inference, 155, 15 6 , 159, 160, 18 5, '269, 280, 285, 287, 289, 293, 297, 29 8 , 3 0 3, 3 08 , 33 1 , 33 2 ,333, 343, 344, 345, 34 6 , 347, 34 8 , 35 0 , 35 1 , 35 2 ,353,354,355, 356, 360, 363, 3 6 4, 37 6 , 3 8 4, 387, 3 88 , 3 8 9, 39 0 , 393,4 0 4, 4 12 ,414,447,454, 456, 470, 482, 483; (Buddhist), con- ditions of concomitance, 156 Infiniteness, 58 Infinite regress, 160 n. Infinitude, 6 I Inherence, 165,285, 3 12 , 3 1 9, 33 6 , 349, 381, 3 82 , 40 45 0 , 4 8 3 Injunction, 396, 397, 4 0 3, 4 0 4, 4 0 5, 43 0 , 43 6 , 437, 49 0 Inorganic, 5 I Instrumental cause, 274 Intelligence, 61 Intelligence-stuff, 241, 244, 24 8 Invariability, 3'20 Invariable, 321, 322, 35'2, 465, 4 66 Isomaric, 328 i!aa, 19911. itaretarafunyatii, 149 iti, 230 Itivuttaka, 83 Itsing, 12011. i!y{l, 195, 199 n. !fii, 28 n., 31, 39, 50, II In., 432 n. ISana, 50 ifvara, 68, 145, 203, 220, 223, 234n., 248 n., 255, '258, 259, 267, 271, 282 n., 28 4, 3 00 ,3 0 ...., 307,31 1,3 22 ,3 2 3, 324, 3 2 5,3 26 , 3 2 7, 355,36 3 6 5,43 8 ,4 6 9, _ 493 ISvarakr!iiQa, 21'2, 218, 219, 222 Uvara-praidhiina, 270 Ifvariinllllliina, 308 n., 326 n., 365 n. Index Jiibiila, 28n., 3In., 35n. Jiibiiladarfana, 28 n. J{lbiili, 28 n. Jacobi, Prof., 169n., 170n., 17'2, 173 n ., 19on., 277, 27 8 , 279, 3 0 7,4 21 jafjatva, 445 Jagadisa Bha!!acarya, 306, 308 jagatprapaiica, 443 J aigi!iiavya, 229 n. Jaimini, 69, 281, 282, 3 6 9, 37 0 , ....27, 4'29 Jaimini sutra, 430 Jain, 79, 25 8 , 3 0 9 Jaina, 65, 68, 74, 280n., 394, 4 01 .434; literature, 169; logic, 309; logicians, 186 11.; Mahara!ii!ri, 171; philosophy, 2 10; prakrit, 171; religion, 169 ; scriptures. 186 lainatarkaviirtika, 171, 183'Z., 184 n ., 186,1., 188n., 197 n. J ainism, 3, 9, 175, 19'2, 208, '209, 21 2 ; atheism in, 203 ff. ; classification of karma, 191; cosmography, 199; di- vision of living beings, 189; doctrine of emancipation, 207 ; doctrine of karma, 190ff.; doctrine of matter, 195ff.; doctrine of nayas, 176; doc- trine of ten propositions, 186 lZ.; doc- trine of senses, I 841Z. ; doctrine of syiidviida, 179; doctrine of universals, 196, 197; ethics of, 199 ff.; its ontology, 173 ff.; literature of, 171; monks in, 172; nature of knowledge, 18Iff.; nature of substance, 174; non-per- ceptual knowledge, 185; origin of, 169; relative pluralism, 175 ff.; rela- tivity of judgments, Ii9ff.; sects of, 170; soul-theory, 188 ff.; standpoints of judgment, 177; theory of being, 187; theory of illusion, 183, 183 n.; theory of perception, 183 ff.; validity of knowledge, 188; yoga, 199 Jains, 7, 73, 17 0 , 17 2 , 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 180, 184, 18;;, 186, 197, 198,209,212,240,309,325,330,350, 363, 364; some characteristics of, 172 jalpa, 294, 296, 3 0 '2, 3 60 Jambudvipaprajilapti, 171 n. Janaka, 34 janina, 294 Japan, 278 Japanese, 3 0 3 jar ii, 8611. jariimarala, 86, 89, 92 Jayanta, 67, 79, 16011., 307, 3 21 , 3 26n ., 330 n., 337, 355 n., 3 62 J ayaditya, 23 [ Jiinakinatha Bha!!acarya, 308 Jata, 423 fii/aka, 83 Jati, 84, 89, 9 2 , 294,'296, 29 8 , 3 01 , 3 02 , 304n., 3 1 7, 3 18 , 3 1 9, 339, 3 60 , 3 62 , 378, 379, 3 80 , 3 81 , 3 82 , ....03, ....24, 4....5, 4 8 3, 49 2