Page:A History of the Indian Medical Service, 1600-1913 Vol 1.djvu/122

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"Cons., Monday, 11th Feb., 1694/95. Doctor Blackwall haveing frequently petitioned Us for his liberty and now offereing Mr Daniell Gifford and Mr Edward Bawgus for his Security. It is agreed that the said Security be accepted, and a bond of 2000 Pagod taken for his good behaviour and appearance, and yt the execution of ye Judgement of ye Court of Admiralty for his being sent home be suspended."

'Cons., Monday, 1st Apprill, 1695. Doctor Blackwall havcing petitioned to bee admitted an Attorney in ye Major's Court, considering his incapacity to maintaine his family. It is resolved that he be permitted to practice as an Attorney in said Court so long as he shall behave himselfe well. Whereof ye Mayor is desired to take particular notice. [I have in ye foul consultation excepted against Mr Blackwall's being admitted an Attorney in any Court in this place. W.F.]* ""

Cons., 21st Nov., 1695. Lewt Seaton acquainting us he heard of a Quarrell between Dr Brown and Doct Blackwall, vpon weh Dr Browne was gone to a garden wth a sword, he is ordered to take a guard and bring them both to us, and he returning presently with them reports that he found Dr Blackwall at his House, and Doct Browne returning from the Garden, vpon examing them they agreed yt there were words of quarrell between them at Dr Blackwall's House, but that Doctr Blackwall did not goe from his House. Dr Browne appearing to have drunke so much, and not capable of an examination. It is ordered that he be comited to ye Custody of ye Guard in ye Fort, and that tomorrow morning the Mayor doe examine the parties and witnesses, and that if it shall appear that one or both did give or recieve a challenge, that ye Person so offending be comitted to ye Custody of ye Marshall till next Consultation day."

Thomas Faucet's name is shown as Surgeon at Fort St. George, on 29th May, 1693, along with Bulkley and Browne, so there seem to have been, for a short time, three Surgeons there. On 12th March, 1693/94, he was sent to Fort St. David, in place of Blackwall, under trial for treason. On 11th May, 1696, Joseph Royall, or Royer, was appointed his assistant. On 8th June, 1699, he was granted six months' leave to sea for his health; and in the list of Company's servants of Dec., 1699, his name is omitted. In another list, dated Nov., 1701, he is shown as "accomptant and second in Council Vizagapatam, on £40 a month, and the date of his arrival in India is given as 23rd Nov., 1692. In the list of Dec., 1703, he is shown as Factor at Fort St. George on £5, rather a come down from 1701, and is stated to be married to an Englishwoman. He appears to have resigned some time during the next four years, for the Cons. of 8th Aug., 1707, record his

  • W.F. is William Fraser, one of the Members of Council. foul, i.e. rough copy. Major, of course, should be Mayor.