Page:A History of the Indian Medical Service, 1600-1913 Vol 1.djvu/123

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appointment as Factor, and those of 6th Nov. state that he has been readmitted from 1st Sept. and appointed Junior Merchant on £30. On 16th Nov., 1710, he was ordered from Metchlepatam In Dec., 1711, to Vizagapatam to take his place in Council there. he is shown as third in council at Vizagapatam, one place lower than he had been ten years before. In a salary list dated 25th March, 1718, he is shown as Senior Merchant on £40. Finally the list of Dec., 1723, notes his death on 11th July, 1723, as Resident at Ingeram. In 1700 he married Johanna, widow of William Martin.

A despatch to England, dated 12th Feb., 1714/15, quoted in Love's Vestiges of Old Madras, Vol. II, p. 156, makes some curious comments on Faucet, saying that he-

"has never been thought capable of any considerable trust by reason of a Moon Frenzy that seldom fails him full or new; besides he is intollerably addicted to drinking, old, perverse, and ignorant in business, a Phisician if anything, but not enuff of that to keep him from starveing even in this Country where Doctors are so scarce."

The following list gives the names of the Surgeons serving at Fort St. George, from 1649 to 1710, as far as they can be ascertained. It is, of course, imperfect, especially as regards dates. In some cases, only one reference to the name has been found, that of appointment, or that of leaving office by resignation or by death; or even a mere mention of the name as serving at a certain date, the dates neither of appointment nor of quitting office being recorded. Names of men appointed as Surgeons Mates, who did not attain to the rank of full Surgeon, are not included. The list is carried on further, for another half century, in Chap. X, The First Half of the Eighteenth Century.

LIST OF SURGEONS, FORT ST. GEORGE, 1649-1710 Name. Whiting, Edward Cooper, Robert Bradford, Philip Jardin, Dr. H.I.M.S. VOL. I. Date of Appointment. 1649 1657 1665 1668 Remarks. Previously at Jambi (1645), and Bantam. Resigned and went home, Jan., 1656/57. Again at Madras, and transferred to Bay Factories, Feb., 1662/63 Previously a Factor in Pegu. Pos- sibly the same Robert Cooper who died 21st July, 1690 Died at Madras in 1668 H