Page:A SEA Dyak Dictionary in alphabetical parts, with examples and quotations shewing the use and meaning of words.pdf/26

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You are of low rank. Kain ti bansa badas mar rerga iya. The price of the good kind of cloth is dear. Aku tu orang bebansa. I arang aja ko nuan aku ka nitih. Whatever you of high rank.

Bansat (beban sat), poor, very poor, desti­tute. Aku tu orang bansat. I am a very poor man.

Bansi (v. f. mansi; bebansi), s. a consider­ Any man may come here and I will talk to him.

Bansu, adv. often, perpetually accustom­ roll about ; a proper name, m. iya ringat ed, v. to be tired of anything. Aku bansu ka lalu maring ka dri. He was angry and rolled Kuching. I often go to Kuching.

Bantah (v.f. mantah; bcbantah), s. de­preciation, v, to depreciate. Iya mantah pengawa aku. He depreciates my work.

Bantai (v. f. mantai; bebantai), to reveal, Iya mantai nuan butang. He revealed the fact of your com­mitting adultery. Bantai utai. Unpack the goods.

Bantal (bebantai), a bundle of various cloths or clothes.

Bantin (bebantin), a wild ox. the Banting (Bos Sondaicus), Malay, Tembadau; a proper name, m. Ko orang menyabisi bantin di Undup. It is said by people there were wild cattle once in the Undup.

Bantun (v. f. mantun; bebantun), to weed, pull out, pull up, pluck out, extricate, Endu mantun di umai. My daughter is weeding at the paddy farm. Bantun iya enda lengis. His weeding is not clean (i.e. he does not weed clean). Bantun bulu mata. Pull out the eye-lashes.

Banyak, many. Kami banyak tu nadai pemakai. All of us have no food.

Baoh (v. f. ngemash), adj. tall, high, long, v. to cause to grow tall or long, become the head of a family. Bash buloh tu. This bamboo is tall. Tanah baoh. Old jungle land. Pun rian tu baru ngemask kadiri taun tu. This durian tree is just commencing to grow tall this year. Iya dulu bash nya alai aku ngumbai iya aya. He has become the head of the family therefore I call him uncle.

Baok (v. f. mack; bebask), to cut with an axe (bliong) violently. Baor (bebaor), a handle. Baor ginti. A fishing rod. Bar changkul. A hoe handle.

Bap (v. f. map or ngebap; bebap) s. a cover, v. to cover, conceal. Iya malu lalu ngebap moa diri. He is ashamed and covers his face.

Bapa (bebapa), a father-in-law. Iya bebapa di aku. He calls me father-in-law.

Baptisa (v, f, maptisa), s. baptism, v. to baptize (N. T. only).

Bara (bebara) a live ember, glowing cinder.

Bara (bebara) a tumour.

Barang (bebarang), things, utensils.

Barang, any, about, whatever, whatsoever. Barang utai nuan mai kitu aku ka nyambut. Whatever you bring here I will receive. Barang aja ko nuan aku ka nitih. Whatever you say I will follow. Barang aja tau meh. Any will do. Bai ka aku barang sa depa buloh. Bring me a bamboo about a fathom long. Sa-barang orang tau kitu aku ka bejako enggau iya. Any man may come here and I will talk to him.

Barau, a prolonged drought.

Bari (bebari), steel.

Bari (bebari), adj. musty, v. to make musty. Iya makai asi bari. He eats musty cooked-rice. Iya bebari ka asi. He made the cooked-rice musty.

Baring (v. f maring; bebaring), to roll, roll about; a proper name, m. Iya ringat lalu maring ka iri. He was angry and rolled about on the floor.

Baris (v. f. maris; bebaris), s. military array, rank and file, a row, line, v. to form in military array, exercise, parade, include all. Aku gawa maris orang kubau. I am busy drilling the Fortmen. Orang kubu bebaris. The Fortmen are in military array. Kami enggai dibaris kita jai magang. We will not have you include us all as wicked.

Baroh (v. f. ngemarsh; beharoh), adv. below, under, adj. low, short of stature, humble, v. to make low, submit. Iya ngemaroh kadiri bejako enggau aku. He humbled himself when he talked with me.

Barong (bebarong), a boat.

Baru (v. f. ngemaru), adj. new, recent, adv. just now, recently, v. to make new. Baru aku betemu enggau iya. This is the first time I have met him.

Bas (v. f. ngebas), s. a temporary rotan binder round a newly made boat in order to keep the sides in position until the bow and stern planks are nailed on, v. to tie on such a binder.

Basa (bebasa), s. respect, v. to respect. Iya bebasa kadiri empu. He respects himself.

Basa-asa (short form of be-asa-asa), to order others, or order one another.

Basah (v.f. masah, or, ngemasah; bebasah), adj. wet, moist, damp, v. to wet, moisten. Iya ngemasah ka kalambi aku. He wetted my jacket.

Basau (v. f. masau; bebasan), to depreciate, waste.

Basi, musty.

Basi, a numeral co-efficient applied to matting or cloth; a proper name, f. Sa basi kajang. One piece of leaf matting. Sa puloh basi kain. Ten pieces of cloth.

Basong (bebasong), s. a basket made of tree bark or the spathe of a sago tree, used for carrying necessaries during an expedition, v. to have such a basket. [There is a differently shaped basket also called basong used for carrying implements necessary for setting pig traps].

Basu (v. f. masu; bebasu), to wash. Aku agi masu jari. I am still washing my hands.

Bat (bebat), see baas.