Page:A SEA Dyak Dictionary in alphabetical parts, with examples and quotations shewing the use and meaning of words.pdf/27

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Batak (v, f. matak ; bebatak), to pull, drag, withdraw. Iya matak kaki aku. He pulled my legs. Datai di wong Jeliah bangkong enda tau enda dibatak. When you come to the Jeliah rapids you must drag the boat. Iya matak jako. He withdrew his words (i. e. he did not keep his promise). Bebatak lampong. To have a trial of strength with someone.

[This game which is known as above consists in the two competitors sitting opposite having their feet stretched out with the soles pressed against one another and their hands grasping the wooden bar {lampong} which each tries to pull towards him].

Batalili, exceeding sweet.

Batang jbebatang}, s. a felled tree, trunk of a tree, tree, stem, stock, the main branch of a river, a main road, v. to have felled trees, etc., a numeral co-efficient applied to a spear, stick, tree. Baka batang nyengkar lebak. Like a felled tree across a valley. Batang padi. The stem of the paddy. Batang ai. The main stream or river. Batang jalai, d'he main road. Sangko tiga batang. d'hree spears. Lima batang rian. Five durian trees.

Batil jebatil}, see baktt.

Batok, s. cough, v. to cough. Iya salabc batok. He is always coughing.

Batu (v. f. matu ; bebatu}, s. a stone, rock, v. to become hard like a stone. Batu ka­ rangan. A pebble. Batu pegai. A pledge, security. Batu penuga. d'he sounding lead. Batu arang. Coal. Batu penguji. A touch stone. Batu ansah. A whetstone. Batu ilau. A ■' sight ’ stone. Batu nitar. A thunderbolt.

Bau {bebau}, the shoulder. Bau akupedis. My shoulder is painful.

Bau (v. f. mau or, ngemau; bebau}, s. smell, odour, savour, scent, v. to smell, give forth scent. Bungai nya apin mau kadiri. d'hat Hower has not yet given forth its scent.

Bauh, or baus, the grunt of a pig when alarmed.

Baum (see aum), to meet in council, delib­erate, confer, take counsel. Sida udah baum nubai. d'hey have met in council to discuss poisoning the river for fish.

Bawang (bebawang), an onion ; a proper name, f.

Baya {bebaya}, a crocodile. Baya di nanga Lingga benydwa nukang perdah. The croco­dile at the entrance of the Lingga river posses­ses a mouth the width of an axe handle.

Bayar (v. f. mayar; bebayar}, s. payment, v. to repay, pay. Tu bayar utang iya. d'his is the payment of his debt.

Bayak (bebayak), the iguana. Nyamaiisi bayak diempa. d'he flesh of the iguana is deli­cious eating.

Bayan {bebayari}, s. a parrot, adj. green.

Be— (the inseparable prefix), see B.

Bealau-alau (see alau}, to have railings, rely upon, Andau I ami bealau-alau. Our bridge has railings. I ami bealau-alau ka di jako nuan. We are relying upon what you say.

Beambu (see ambit}, to claim, take food irregularly. Sida beambu ka manok siko. d'hey are claiming a fowl. Anembiak enda tau enda beambu. Children must be fed between meals.

Beandak-andak, throwing spears at and chasing one another (either in sport or in war). [Children when at play spear one another with reeds].

Beandi-andi, to be rumoured abroad, talked about beforehand.

Beantu (see antu}, to mourn. Aku beantu nya endor aku enda nyebut nama iya. I am in mourning that is why I do not pronounce his name.

Beantu (see antu}, to have a spirit to watch or guard one.

Beati-ati, to keep in mind.

Bebadi (see badi}, to suffer harm from a curse, be in trouble. Aku bebadi mati menyadi. I am in trouble because of my brother’s death.

Bebai (see bai}, to mutually agree to go to a place or do anything. Sida bebai bejalai. d'hey are mutually agreeing to go out. Utai pedis ka bebai, utai nyamai ka ditengali. Un­pleasant work he wants some one to do with him, pleasant work he wishes to keep all to himself.

Bebal (v. f. mebal; bebebal}, s. an obstruc­tion, dam, v. to make an obstruction or dam.

Bebalang, to have a conical-shaped top.

Bebali (see bali}, to change colour, fade, suffer from bone disease. Laban iya bebali iya enda ngisi pupu. He does not pay door-tax because he is suffering from bone disease.

Bebang (v. f. mebang}, to stop, hinder, check. Anang nuan bangat mebangaku bejako. Do not keep checking me in my talk.

Bebar (v. f. mebar}, s. terrified flight as exhibited by fowls when dispersed hurriedly, v. to scatter, disperse like fowls. Manok bebar laban mini sang. d'he fowls are dispersed ter­rified by the munsaug.

Bebas (v. f. mebas; bebebas}, to undo, pullto pieces, take apart. Bebas timbau prauh nya. Open the boards forming the sides of that boat. Iya mebas rumah iya. He is pul­ling his house to pieces.

Bebedi, the name of a jar.

Bebendai, see bendai.

Bebendang, to shine white.

Beberu, to slough as a wound does.

Bebioh-bebintoh, falling right and left.

Bebirin, usually tabin bebirin, ill (see tabin).

Bebital, to stick, adhere to. Gela nangka bebital di jari. d'he juice of the jack-fruit ad­heres to the hand.

Beblai, every now and then. Beblai iya iindok. Every now and then he sleeps.

Beblak, to stare. Beblak igi mata iya meda kami. He stares when he sees us.

Beblap, to conjure, perform card tricks.

Beblat-hari, every other day.

Bebrak, to shine white.

Bebris, see bekebrai.

Bebunyi, see bunyi.

Beburong (see burong), to make use of birds, insects, reptiles, and animals as omens.