Page:A SEA Dyak Dictionary in alphabetical parts, with examples and quotations shewing the use and meaning of words.pdf/28

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[In the following list are given the names of the eight relatives or followers of Singalang Burong {Haliastur intermedins}, the great Bird Chief. Beragai, (theTrogons), Katupong (sasia abnormis}, Bejampong {Ilydrocichla frontalis}, Membuas Carcineutes melanops), Kutok {Lepocestesporphyromelas}, Nendak {Cittocincla suavis), Papau {Dendrocitta cinerascens}, Brink {Orthotomics ruficeps'). Called “birds” but holding a lower place and not considered “sacred” (indeed they are often eaten) are the insects Rioh, Rejah. (grasshopper), and burong malam (ground cricket), the snakes Tedong (cobra), Sawa (Python), the animals Rusa {Cervas equinus}, Kijang {Cervalus muntjack}, Plandok {Tragulus napu}, Remaung{Felis macrocelis, f. mamorata}, Tengiling (the manis), Aji {moon rat}, Engkarong (the skinks), and Bat.

Bebuti (see uti}, to trifle, joke. Iya bebuti enggau nuan. He is trifling with you.

Bechaka, to quarrel, wrangle, squabble, dispute noisily.

Bechakap (see chakap}, to challenge. Iya bechakap ngambi ka orang ka betangkap. He is challenging and wants people to flight.

Bechara, a law suit, case, matter, affair, conference.

Bechaya, to believe, believe in, trust, re­spect. Nuan enda bechaya ka jako aku. You do not believe what I say. Iya enda bechaya kalaki iyati apin lama udah parai She does not respect her husband who died recently.

Becherayan, scattered about. Utai di bilik iya ambis becherayan. Things are all scattered about in his room.

Bedai, as balang bedai, a dried head.

Bedai, to warn Iya bedai aku ngasoh aku nemu same ka nunggu aku. He warned me that so-and-so is going to fine me.

Bedak, dried scented leaves scattered about on the mats.

Bedandi, or bedandan, to sing a love song.

Bedarat (see ohra/), to travel overland.

Bedau (v. f. ngemedau ; bebedau}, adv. not yet, v. to remain, continue in a place, or cause to remain or continue in a place. Aku bedau makai. I have not yet eaten. Apai bedau di rumah. Father is still in the house. Anang nuan ngemedau kadiri. Don’t you remain behind.

Bedawa (seepedawa}, to demand, com­plain, sue, bring an action.

Bedawa, to work at night in the house.

Bedega {bebedega}, a species of fern, bracken.

Bedeja, to relate here and there, spread a report. Nuan bedeja ka aku mangah. You spread a report that I was bad tempered.

Bedenjang, see denjang.

Bedidi, or Kadidi, a species of large wild pigeon ( Treron Capellei}, usually found in small flocks.

Bedijir, in a row. Sida bedijir dudok dia. They sit there in row.

Bedil {bebedil}, a brass gun.

Bedilang {bebedilang}, a warming place or fire-place. Bri api di bedilang. Put fire on the fire-place. Bedilang Besi. The Iron Fire­ place ( a sobriquet or title). [Note.—The dried heads of enemies are hung up in the smoke above the bedilanghence it is used met­ aphorically to express a head or bunch of heads. Kami endang ngembuan bedilang ari aki ini. We have ever kept the dried heads of enemies from the days of our ancestors].

Bedinjat, not level. Enda bedinjat. Level.

Bediri ( see diri}, to stand up on the feet.

Bedong (v, f. medong ; bebedong}. s. the waist band of women, v. to girdle the waist with a band. Udah iya beranak tau medong diri. After she had given birth she could bandage herself.

Bedua (see pedua} to divide, allot. Iya bedua babas. He divides the farming land.

Beduan (v. f. ngenduan}, see keduan, to tease, persecute, annoy, vex, mock, bother, trouble, wrong, cause shame to. Nuan beduan aku. You are teasing me. Nuan sqlalu bedu­an aku enggau jako. You always vex me with your talk. Iya salalu ngenduan aku. He al­ways persecutes me.

Bedulu (see dulu}, to go before, go be­fore as a guide. Sida ti ngayau bisi orang ti bedulu ka sida. They that went on the war­ path had a guide.

Bedundong, near to, hard by, alongside, parallel to. Rumah kami bedundong. Our houses are near one another.

Beduru, the sound of any person or animal escaping.

Bedus, {bebedus}, a goat, sheep.

Begadai (see gadai or gadai-gadai), gently, slowly, cautiously, noiselessly. Nuan bejako begadai. Talk gently (or in a low tone).

Begah (v. f. ngemegah ; bebegah or begahbegah} adj. vain, boastful, v. to be vain, boast­ful. Nya jako begah. That is vain talk. Anang bangat ngemegah kadiri. Do not be so vain. Anang nuan bangat begah-begah bejako. Do not be so exceedingly vain in your talk. Ngaga diri bangat bebegah nuan tu. You assume such vain airs.

Begama (see gama), to feel one’s way in the dark, grope, doctor by feeling with the hands, massage. Kami begamapulai ka rumah. We had to feel our way in the dark returning home. Iya ngambi manang begama. He goes for a manang to perform massage.

Begari (see gari}, to change or put on one’s clothes, [ya nyau begari. He is gone to change his clothes.

Begaring (see garing}, to roll.

Begau (v. f. ngemegau}, s. alarm, panic, v. to be in a state of alarm. Tetawak nya madah ka began. That tetawak gives the alarm. Sida Skarang ngemegau kadiri ngapa munsoh Samoa nadai. The Skarang people alarmed themselves for no reason as there were no foes.

Begauk (see gauk}, to have a friendly or affectionate feeling for a person, to fondle, em­brace. Aku lain bedau begauk enggau iya. I have not yet had a friendly talk with him.

Begaut (see segaut), to hurry, hasten. Begaut nuanpulai, Hurry back home.