Page:A SEA Dyak Dictionary in alphabetical parts, with examples and quotations shewing the use and meaning of words.pdf/33

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Aku bejalai bepending singit di babas. I walk and listen attentively in the jungle.

Bepitak (see pitak), to have partitions.

Beprak or bepak (see prak).

Beprugan, to possess a number of stems, to be in clusters. Aku nadai neinu beprugan pun munti. I did not know the munti bam­boo had so many stems.

Beprugu, see beprugan.

Bepuk, bepung, or bepadong, to con­ceal oneself in the room, be always in the room. Iya salalu bepuk dalam bilik. He al­ways conceals himself in the room.

Ber- the inseparable prefix (see B-).

Berada karong beridi, a title given to mothers.

Beradi, akin to.

Beragai (see beburong), an omen bird with a note like a laugh ; it generally foretells good luck.

Beragok (beberagok), a species of munsang (Paradaxurus sp,) Beragok aku tu nampak moa, penangkap manok bangkas. I am the munsang smooth about the face, the one to seize coloured fowls.

Berambat (see perambat), to get round, surround.

Berambing (see rambing), to advance as the wings of a column.

Beranak (see anak), to give birth. Bini aku beranak di malam. My wife gave birth last night.

Berandau (see randau), to sit down and hold a general conversation, gossip, converse, discuss, talk.

Berangai (beberangai), a boat.

Berangkat, to commit adultery and then live together. [This word can be used of either the man or the woman]. Iya berangkat enggau bini aku. He committed adultery and then lived with my wife.

Berangkat (see angkat), to make a start. Kamaia kita berangkat pindah I When do you make a start to remove?

Berangkat, as blachu berangkat, the thick American drill.

Berantu (see antu), to hold a final feast in memory of the dead. Aku ka berantu ka anak aku. I am going to hold the final feast in memory of my deceased child.

Berapi, to cook. Kami baru datai ari umai lalu apin berapi. We have just returned from the paddy farm and have not yet cooked.

Berarau (v. f. merarau), to have lunch.

Berari, berari-ari, or besari-sari (see hari), all day long, always, incessantly, con­tinuously.

Beraroh, to quarrel.

Berasai (see asai), to feel.

Berasok (see rasok), to put on.

Berasu (see asu), to hunt. Antu Liu datai ari tuchong langgong Guyu, berasu kejah-kejah. The Spirit Fiend comes from the peak overlooking the flat lands of the mountain Guyu ; when hunting his footsteps resound.

Beratong (see atong), to drift with the tide.

Berauh (see rank}, the sound of a water­ fall or rain ; a title.

Berayah, a ceremonious dance performed by chiefs leaping up with their arms extended in imitation of a soaring kite. Smah berayah kaki rantau, napat ka rarah buah jambu. The smah fish leaps at the foot of the reach and goes for the jambu, fruits that fall. [Note. There are only three ancient Dyak dapces. i. Berayah, 2. Naku pala, 3. Mengap. 1 is an imitation of the soaring of the menaul, the spirit representative of Singalang Burong. 2 is performed by women only carrying heads. For 3 see Pengap. All these dances are of a processional character].

Berayan (see ayari), to fall, drop off. Kandi aku berayan di jalai. My bag for the chewing ingredients dropped off on the road.

Berayong takang, full of leaves.

Bereban (see reban), to possess felled jun­gle that has not yet been burnt.

Berebok, the sound made by air bubbles in water.

Berebut (see rebut), to snatch,

Beredup, thump, thud, creek, the noise a paddle makes striking the side of a boat when paddling.

Beremban (see remban), frightened. Sida meda kami lalu beremban nyau. They saw us, were frightened, and fled.

Berembat, the sound of a single blow.

Berendayau, to commence to walk slow­ly (like a sick person when recovering), move lazily.

Bereni (see perbeni), to have bubbles, boil­ing.

Berentak, firm, to the point, explicitly, to shake, vibrate. Aku. berentak madah ka iya nya wang aku. I explictly told him that was my money.

Berenyang, a sudden shake caused by an earthquake or hurricane. Baiat rilmt di ma­lam lalu berenyang rumah kami. The squall was very strong last night and our house shook.

Berenyok (see renyok), to fight without weapons.

Bererak (see rerak), to untwist, untwine, open up, undo, untie.

Beretat (see retat), to chew various kinds of herbs, leaves, etc., and apply them to a patient, to doctor.

Beria, variegated colours. Tampak beria. Displaying variegated colours.

Beridi, see berada.

Berikat or berikat-rikat (see ikat), in succession, without a break, in Indian-file. Sida bejalai berikat-rikat. They walk in Indian-file.

Berimba (see rimba), to cut down old jungle.

Berimbai (see imbai), beside, alongside, side by side. Siduai laki bini berimbai. The couple, husband and wife, are side by side.

Berimpeh, see beripeh.

Berinau, to lurk, lie in wait at night.

Beringan, a collection of any aitides tied together.

Beripeh, to disagree, be divided in opinion, arrange in order. Beripeh jako kitai. Our