Page:A SEA Dyak Dictionary in alphabetical parts, with examples and quotations shewing the use and meaning of words.pdf/34

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statements disagree. Asoh sida beripeh dudok. Tell them to sit in order (lit. divided).

Bernaing, a clear shrill sound.

Berngangong, a loud clear sound.

Berngoh, the mumps.

Berngong, a whistling sound passing by.

Bersin, (see perbesin), to sneeze.

Bersranyat, to move slowly.

Berubat (see ubat), to doctor.

Berubut (see but), rotten fish put into a jar with salt.

Berulih (ulih), to get, obtain.

Berumpak, (seeperumpak), to race. Ma­kin ploh makinbekayoh, makin lelak makin ber­umpak. The more you perspire the more you paddle, the more tired you are the more you race.

Berundai, hanging downwards (like or­ chids). Dan gensurai nya bcrundai ninggang ai. That gensurai tree’s branches are hang­ing down in the water.

Berundang, to go to and fro’. Iya berun­dang kin kitu. He goes to and fro’ (or, here and there).

Berundang-kasang, see beulang-ulang.

Berupai, visible, apparent. Bempai penyai iya. His wickedness is visible, lya berupai tuai. He appears aged.

Beruran (see teberurari), to be famishing. Kami sa rumah beruran magang laban. padi udah ambis. We of the same house are all famishing because our paddy is finished.

Berut, unwilling, dispirited.

Besabat (from the Malay sahabat, friend), to shake hands. Aku besabat enggau tuan Residen. I shook hands with the Resident.

Besabi or besadi, to make peace during a fight. Leboh betumbok munsoh besabi baik. Whilst we were thrusting (at one another with) spears the enemy made peace.

Besadi, see besabi.

Besagu (see sagu and also besatit), to toss up, throw up, raise up.

Besai (v. f. ngemesai), adj. large, great, v. to make great. Besai umai iya. His farm is a large one. Iya ngemesai kadiri. He made himself great.

Besakang (see sakang), to oppose, hinder, prevent. Jako sida besakang. Their state­ ments are opposed to one another. Laya si­da agi besakang. Their case is still in dispute.

Besalah (see salah), to blame, accuse. Iya besalah aku. He accuses me.

Besantok (see santok), to have a metal ring attached to the handle of a weapon.

Besapat (seesapat), to have partition walls. Besapat kami di langkau. We have partition walls in our hut.

Besari-sari, see berari.

Besarintak, to be at the last gasp. Seput iya nyau besarintak. He is at his last gasp.

Besaut (see saut), to perform a certain ceremony called the saut. This is the work of manang doctoring a sick person. Manang ka besaut malam lagi. The manang will perform the saut ceremony to-night.

Besela (see sela), at intervals, seldom.

Beselam, see selam.

Beselat (selat), alternate. Sida dudok beselat lelaki indu. They sit alternately a man and then a woman. Beselat hari. Every other day.

Beselingkut, to play a game something like knucklebones with pieces of split bamboo. Besemas (see semas), to learn. Iyabesemas ngaga kain. She learns to make a petti­ coat.

Besemetah, to have a diving contest. Aram kitai besemetah. Come let us have a diving contest.

Besemetak, to sound as if something was breaking.

Besempikut, to cling to, adhere to. Anang besempikut di aku. Do not cling to me.

Besempulut, see bekelulut.

Besemun (see semuri), to cool, permit to get damp. Aku besemun di tanju. I cool myself on the open verandah.

Besendi (see sendi), to be close by, nigh at hand.

Besengkayau, to stand and lean against anything.

Besengkubal (see sengkubal), to be un­even, have red patches slightly swollen on the skin.

Besensedan, to weep with sobbing.

Besentok (see sentok), to clash. Priok besentok lain blah. The saucepans clash and are forthwith broken.

Beserak (see serak), twin, double.

Beserambu, scattered (used of rotan shav­ings).

Beserangau, see beterangau.

Beserbana (see serbana), to complain. Nadai ti enda beserbana. There are none who do not complain.

Besi (bebesi), iron.

Besi api pantang (bebesi api pantang), the fire-tube of the Saribas Dyaks (gochoh api of the Malays).

Besiang (see pensiang), to clear, clean. Aku besiang padi. I clear (i. e. weed) the paddy. Besiang antu. To rid oneself of fur­ther recollection of the departed by holding the berahtu feast.

Besili or besile (see sili or sile), to change, take in turn, partake in turn of a second or third helping. Iya makai enda besili. He eats but does not take a second helping. Iya besili enggau aku. bumai dia. He farms there in turn with me.

Besimpan (see simp in), to pack up.

Besling (see sling), to have small chinks or slits, open. Besling dinding nya. That wall has chinks. Ati aku enda besling ka nya. My mind is not clear (open) about that.

Besluntang, lying here and there.

Besri, to taste. Utai nya besri manis. That thing tastes sweet.

Besrimbai, at the same time.

Besuar (see suar), to pole, punt. Orang rilu landik besuar. Up-river people are ex­pert at poling.

Busudi (see sudi), to examine a patient and give medicine before performing the belian ceremony. Sida manangnyau besudi ka bilik.