Page:A SEA Dyak Dictionary in alphabetical parts, with examples and quotations shewing the use and meaning of words.pdf/37

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Bibit (v. f. mibit; bebibit), to pinch with the finger and thumb. Iya mibit kuyu aku. He pinched my cheek.

Bichu (bebichu), colour, paint.

Bidai (bebidai), a coarse mat made of rotan and tree bark.

Bidak (bebidak), a blanket.

Bidang (v. f. midang', bebidang), a numer­al co-efficient used of things spread out, s. a woman’s petticoat, v. to tear. Aku udah mlisa bidang kajang. I bought a piece of leaf matting. Kalambi aku kena bidang iya. He tore my jacket. Iya midang ka kain aku. He tore my petticoat.

Bidik (v. f. ngemidik, midik; bebidik), adj. fortunate, lucky, v. to make fortunate. Iya midik kadiri bumai enda beburong lalu bulih padi. He was fortunate in that he did not listen to omens but got a good crop of paddy.

Bidok (bebidok), a small boat.

Bidu, a mythical personage, a mahang title. Aiyu ko Bidu. The soul says Bidu.

Bigok (bebigok), a species of bejit (Semnopithecus cristatus).

Bila (v. f. mila; bebila) to open, split. Bila dua. Split in two.

Bilah, a numeral co-efficient applied to cut­ ting weapons. Sa bilah duku. One chopper.

Bilik (bebilik), a room. Bilik iya lantang. His room is spacious.

Bilis (bebilis), a very small sea fish.

Bilok (v. f. ngemilok, milok; bebilok), adj. crooked, unjust, v. to turn, be crooked or unjust. Bilok kamudi1 Turn the rudder 1 Apai iya orang lurus utang iya milok kadiri, H is father was a just man but he became un­just.

Bilut (v. f. milut or ngemilut), adj. crook­ed, folded, turned (as the edge of a weapon), v. to grimace at a person, cause to turn. Kayu tebelian nya ngemilut ka bliong aku. That iron-wood turned the edge of my axe.

Bimbang, uncertain, perplexed.

Bimbi (jbebimbi), a goat.

Bina (v. f. ngemina, mina; bebina), to heed, care for, mind. Aku enda mina ka jako iya. I do not heed his talk.

Binchang (v. f. minchang), to hold the arm or leg with one hand.

Binching (v. f. minching; bebinching), to carry suspended from the hand. Iya mansa minching ikan. He passed by, carrying fish.

Bingkai (v. f. mingkai; bebingkai), s. an edging or rim to anything such as a native sunhat {tanggoij, basket (raga menarang1). v. to make such an edging.

Bingking (bebingking), see begeng.

Bingkok (v. f. mingkok or ngtmingkok; bebmgkok), adj. crooked, unjust, v. to make crooked. Apai iya orang bingkok orang jai. His father was an unjust man, a bad man. Iya mingkok ka pedang aku. He made my sword crooked.

Bingung (v. f. mingung), adj. giddy, stupid, v. to be puzzled, stupid, giddy. Bin­gung pala aku laban glonibang. My head is giddy because of the waves.

Bini (bebini), s. a wife, v. to marry (of the man only). Anakaku apin bebini. My son has not yet married.

Binsang (v. f. minsang), to have holes, cause to have holes. Raga tu ambis binsang. There are a number of holes in this basket. Iya minsang ka raga aku. He made a num­ber of holes in my basket.

Binsang, a hare-lip.

Bintang (bebintang), a star ; a proper name, f.

Binteh (v. f. minteh ; bebinteh), to fight with the legs as fowls do, to kick. Iya minteh kaki aku. He kicked my legs.

Bintis (v. f. mintis ; bebintis), see binteh.

Biobalai (bebiobalai), a storm ; a title. Kami bekayoh ngelaban biobalai. We pulled against the storm.

Bira, to relieve oneself. Bira panchar. To purge. Bira ka darah. To pass blood, (i. e. dysentery or piles).

Birah (bebirah), a species of giant kladium.

Birai (v. f. mirai; bebirai), to unloose. Indu nya salalu mirai ka bok iya. That woman is always letting her hair loose.

Biras (bebiras), brother-(or sister-)in-law. Ipar biras. Brother-(or sister-)in-law.

Biring, red of colour or plumage. Manok lelaki iya hiring. His cock has red plumage.

Biru (bebiru), a species of palm (see ban­dam).

Biru, blue.

Bisa (v. f. misa, ngemisa; bebisa), adj. poisonous, strong (of medicine), effectual, v. to cause to be poisonous. Kendaivangular bisa. Kendawang is a poisonous snake. Ubat nya bisa bendar. That medicine is very strong. Bisa jako nuan. Your words are irritating (lit : poisonous).

Bisak (v. f. misak, ngemisak; bebisak), part, torn, v. to tear.

Bisi (v. f. ngemisi ; bebisi), is, are, there is, there are, to be, to have. Aku bisi ivang. I have money. Iya ngemisi kadiri. He assumes (the position of) a man of property.

Bisu (bebisu), dumb.

Bla (v. f. nyemla; beblaj, adj. equal, even, alike, all, adv. equally, v. to equalize. Bia peninggi siduai. Their height is equal Kami bla grai. We are all well.

Bla (v. f. mla ; bebla), v. to prepare food. Asoh bini nuan beguai mla ka kami. Ask your wife to prepare food for us quickly.

Blachan (beblachan), a paste made of shrimps (bubok).

Blachu (beblachit), American drill. Blachu berangkat. Thick American drill. Blachu minyak. Thin American drill.

Blah (v. f. mlah; beblah), s. a section, division, part, split, cracked, v. to split, crack, split in two, perform the Dyak marriage cere­ mony (with pinang). Sa blah umai. One section of the farm. Umai iya tigablah. He has three divisions of the paddy farm. Prauh iya tepantup dibatulalu blah dua. His boat knocked against a rock and split in two. Tajau blah. A cracked jar. Aku ngasoh iya mlah nyur tu. I tcld him to split this cocoanut in two. Allah pinang. To perform the