Page:A SEA Dyak Dictionary in alphabetical parts, with examples and quotations shewing the use and meaning of words.pdf/38

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marriage ceremony (by splitting the pinang nut). Apai ngasoh aku mlahpinang ka siduai. Father has asked me to perform your mar­riage ceremony.

Blakang (v. f. mlakang), s. the back, prep, behind, v. to turn the back, disregard. Leboh iya lari ka munsoh blakang iya kena telih. Whilst he fled from the enemy he was wound­ ed in the back. Iya dudok di blakang aku. He sits behind me. Jelu ingkat malik ka blakang. The Loris turns its face to its back. Di blakang kajang. Outside the boat awn­ ing. Iya mlakang ka jako aku. He disre­garded my words.

Blaki, low-lying soil neither very wet nor very dry.

Blanda (beblanda), the name for Euro­peans or Dutchmen (probably derived from Hollander mispronounced). China Blanda. Chinese and Europeans.

Blang (beblang), s. a kind of skin disease that attacks the palms of the hands and soles of the feet, adj. piebald. Blang pegu. A pig from four to six months old.

Blangkas, the king-crab, horse-shoe crab {Limulus).

Blanja (v. f. mlanja ; beblanja), s. ex­pense, allowance, money for current expenses, v. to spend, give subsistence money. Iya mlanja bini tiga ringgit sa bulan. He makes an allowance of three dollars a month to his wife.

Blansai {beblansai), a bag made of nipa palm shoots plaited ; it is used to contain rice (dZ. karong).

Blat {beblat), a bamboo fish trap, a blind as used by Europeans. Labang bekandang dalam blat. The Zafozz^fish is enclosed in the bamboo trap.

Blayan (beblayan), a field of anything, kindred. Blayan tebu magang ti dipansa kami tadi. It was a field of sugar cane that we passed just now. Sida nya ukai orang bukai kaban blayan kami. They are not aliens but our kindred.

Bli (v. f. mli ; bebli), to buy, purchase. Aku kamari mli ikan masin sa kati sa tali. Yester­day I bought a kati of salt fish for nine cents.

Blia (beblia), a wooden instrument used in weaving cloth to press the threads together.

Blih (v. f. mlih, ngenilih; beblih), adj. stupid, idiotic, v. to be stupid. Blikan, a sort of guitar with two strings. Bliong {bebliong), an adze or native hatchet. Blit (v. f. mlit; beblit), entangled, v. to coil, tie round, entangle. Iya mlit aku enggau jako. He entangled me in argument. Blitan (see litari), to have a mark or scar. Iya blitan laban bungai kayu. He has marks from small-pox. Blitong, as bangkit biltong, a well-known Dyak flower. Bloh (beblohj, steam or heat on a saucepan lid, etc. Bloh jbebloh), a small species of fish. Blong, bent, crooked. Iya ngaga antara umai kami blong. He made crooked the boundary of our paddy farm.


Bluai {bebluai), the name of a snake. Kami tu Tikam, ular Mersian, ular Bungai, ular Bluai. We are the Tikam, the Mersian, the Bungai, and the Bluai snakes. Bok (bebok), the hair of the head. Bol (bebol), a fixed time, v. to have a fixed time. Bolpeti iya tujoh hari. The fixed time for inspecting his pig trap is seven days. Kami meti nadai bebol. We have no fixed time for inspecting our pig traps. Indai mati apin tembu bol alai iya nyau nyembrai. Be­ fore the expiration of the mourning for his mother’s death he had gone out to pay calls. Bong (bebong), a flat-bottomed boat with square bows and stern used chiefly for up-river work ; a proper name, m. Bong iya laju nanjak karangan. His boat is swift going up stream over the gravel beds. Bong-nebang, or bebong-nebang, to work in a body felling trees. Bra [bebra), a female spirit (see koklir). Bradong (bebradong) the breast-bone (of animals and birds). Bram (bebram), cooked rice from which an intoxicating drink is made. Enti orang udah gatva bebau bendar rumah laban bram. When the people had had a feast the house stank because of the bram. Brang pebrang), the upper part of the arm. Buah brang. The biceps. Brangai (<5e$raw£W?‘), see prauh. Brangangai, a loud clear sound. Brani (v. f. merani), adj. daring, bold, brave, confident, adventurous v. to dare. Iya eitdang orang brani. He was ever a bold man. Brani nuan nyelam ka aku I Dare you dive for me ? Iya merani kadiri. He makes himself daring. Brap (v. f. mrap; bebrap), to embrace, caress, catch round, throw one’s arm round, lock in an embrace. Iya meda anak lalu mrap iya. He saw and embraced his child. Brapa bebrapa), how many ? How much ? Brapa iko kita sa bilik ? How many are you in the same room ? Brapa rerga snapang nuan I What was the price of your gun ? Bras (bebras), uncooked rice. Bras iya burak. His rice is white. Brat (v. f. mrat, ngemerat; bebrat), adj. heavy, ponderous (hence unwilling), burden­ some, oppressive, important, s. weight, v. to be heavy, burdensome, important. Utai tu brat amai. This thing is very heavy. Iya nya brat bendar diasoh. He is very unwill­ ing to do anything when asked. Kuan enda brat ka jako aku. You do not attach much weight to my words. Sida nya brat ka nuan nya alai apin nyadi gawai. They attach much importance to your coming that is the reason why the feast has not yet taken place. Brau. (bebrauj, raw rice. Bran rayti. The first ripe paddy pounded into rice. Brau basau or bras basa. A little raw rice put into a cup and slightly wetted ; [this is the smallest Dyak fine (/z’wZ?)]. Brayang (bebrayang), a fish spear with an arrow-shaped head. Baka brayang baka