Page:A Sailor Boy with Dewey.djvu/195

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trees which sheltered us somewhat from the sun. Yet the walk was a hot one, and soon the wound I had received gave me a violent headache.

"I must rest," I said to Dan, and sank down almost exhausted.

"No rest for you!" shouted the corporal in charge of the detail, and poked me with his bayonet, and sick as I was I had to get up and go on my way.

But soon luck stood me in good stead. We arrived at a sort of wayside inn, where there were two companies of Spanish soldiers, and here we halted for further orders.

It was decided to keep us at the place over night, and we were conducted to a rude stable in the rear, built of bamboo and palm leaves.

Inside were half a dozen small native ponies, belonging to as many Spanish officers. It was a foul-smelling resort, and it made me feel more sick than ever.

The place was already being used as a prison and outside four guards, with ready guns, patrolled the sides of the stable at a distance of ten paces.

"What a hole!" cried Dan, as we were shoved through the doorway and the guard left us. "I'll wager the stable is full of vermin!"

"Who is that as spakes!" came from the semi-