Page:A Sailor Boy with Dewey.djvu/196

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darkness. "Sure an' th' voice sounds remarkably loik that of a friend, so it does!"

"Matt Gory!" burst out Dan and I simultaneously.

"An' it's Oliver an' Dan, so it is!" ejaculated the Irish sailor, rushing to us and catching our hands warmly. "Sure an' it's a sorry place for a mating, aint it now?"

"How did you get here, Gory?" I asked. "I thought you were on the Starlight?"

"Sure an thim haythins o' Spaniards confiscated the ship, so they did. Oi an' Tom Dawson thried to escape, an' here Oi am, as ye can behold if yez have sharp eyes."

"And what of Dawson?" asked Dan.

"Oi don't know where he is. He started to join Commodore Dewey's marines at Cavité."

"When did all this happen?"

"We lift the Starlight a week ago, but Oi was captured yesterday. Phy have yez yer head toied up?" he went on, to me.

I told him of our adventures in the hollow, and Dan related what had occurred since we had left the Starlight. Matt Gory had arranged a resting place of the cleanest straw to be found, in a corner, and here I dropped, completely fagged out.

All told, the stable contained nine prisoners; the others being Spaniards who sympathized