Page:A Selection of Original Songs, Scraps, Etc., by Ned Farmer (3rd ed.).djvu/43

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Ned Farmer's Scrap Book.

The Standard of the Free.

Music may be had of Messrs. D'Almaine, London.

Hurrah for the Standard that's waving!
Fondly clasped in the arms of the sea,
Each danger and obstacle braving,
O'er this home of the brave and the free.
Beneath its blest shadow the fetter
Of slavery ne'er can be known;
Oh, tell not of lands that are better,
There's none like this land of our own!
Hurrah for the Standard that's waving.
Fondly clasped in the arms of the sea,
Each danger and obstacle braving!
O'er this home of the brave and the free.

The cloud that has lately hung o'er it,
Prosperity's sunshine shall clear,
Chasing want and misfortune before it,
And wealth and content shall appear.
The foul voice of treason hath frighted
Fair Commerce away for awhile;
Yet fear not, for all shall be righted,
And Commerce return with a smile.
Hurrah for the standard that's waving,
Fondly clasped in the arms of the sea,
Each danger and obstacle braving
O'er this land of the dauntless and free.