Page:A Selection of Original Songs, Scraps, Etc., by Ned Farmer (3rd ed.).djvu/44

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Ned Farmer's Scrap Book.

Go, ask the Untaught Savage.

Go, ask the tattoo'd Indian where
The God he worships deigns to live—
Go, ask the untaught savage, where—
And mark the answer he shall give!
He'll tell you that there's not a place,
Above, below, or all around,
But if ye, sorrowing, seek His face,
The God of Mercy may be found I
There 's not a planet in the sky
But lighteth where "the Spirit" lives;
There's not a zephyr murmurs by
But whispers of the peace He gives;
There's nothing in the heavens or earth,
The mighty ocean or the air,
Or aught from either has its birth,
But His Omnipotence declare!
Then, Christian, kneel, bow low thy head,
And think on what the savage said.

A flatterer's tongue is oiled by bad intention, and set in motion by deceit.