Page:A Selection of Original Songs, Scraps, Etc., by Ned Farmer (3rd ed.).djvu/45

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Ned Farmer's Scrap Book.

Is it Love?

[Published by the permission of Mr. W. T. Belcher, Birmingham, to whom the copyright belongs, and where the Music may be had.]

Hey! sing hey, and hi sing oh! what's the reason Kate's so low?
Powers above now, is it love now? 'pon my word, I'd like to know!
Once her merry laugh went ringing, making music through the house;
Now she's gloomy, sad and moping, and as silent as a mouse.
Short time since, a smile was ever on those pouting lips of her's,
But now in nooks, with downcast looks, she pensive sits, and seldom stirs.

Hey down derry! ho down derry! what's the reason Kate 's so merry?
Powers above now, is it love now? it looks uncommon like it—ver-y !

Here's a clatter!—what's the matter?—why this rushing up and down!
Halloa, you, sir! what's to do, sir?— "Captain B's come back from town!"
Look at Kate now!—hear her prate now, bless her little noisy tongue!
Gay as ever, sighing never, thinks all dulness very wrong: