Page:A Selection of Original Songs, Scraps, Etc., by Ned Farmer (3rd ed.).djvu/76

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Ned Farmer's Scrap Book.


[Written on the occasion op the marriage of the Lady Caroline Leveson Gower with the Marquis of Kildare.]

Gay banners hang upon the wall,
And pleasure reigns through Trentham Hall;
While every breeze that floats around
Comes laden with some joyous sound;
In dulcet notes distinct and clear,
The Harp of Erin's tones we hear;
And lords there are, and ladies fair
To greet the Marquis of Kildare.

And see ! fond blushing by his side,
Is Lady Caroline—the Bride!
For they to "Holy Church" have gone,
And spoken words have made them one.
Full many a fervent heartfelt prayer
Was uttered for that noble pair,
That Heaven with choicest gifts would bless,
And grant them health and happiness.

Great Chief of Sutherland! we view with pride
Thy noble branches spreading wide;
Long may the "Star of Trentham" shine,
And blessings wait on thee and thine!
Now fill with sparkling wine each glass,
While gaily round the toast shall pass,
Drink with sincerity as I propose—
The Shamrock and the English Rose!