Page:A Selection of Original Songs, Scraps, Etc., by Ned Farmer (3rd ed.).djvu/77

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Ned Farmer's Scrap Book.

'Tis lovely May.

[Published by the kind permission of W. T. Belcher, Esq., Birmingham, to whom the copyright belongs, and may be had of D'Almaine & Co., London.]

'Tis lovely May, all nature's gay,
The violet blue is flinging
Its sweets around, and joyful sound
The notes of wild birds singing.
The primrose pale perfumes the gale,
The hawthorn lends assistance,
While through the dells the village bells
Are ringing in the distance.
While through the dells, the village bells
Are ringing in the distance.
Then dance and play, drive Care away,
Nor let its shade come o'er us,
Our path's not clear, yet never fear,
There's sunshine on before us.
There's sunshine on before us.

Shall birds and flowers have happy hours,
And man alone be sad,
As if kind Nature had not lent
Enough to make him glad?
There's not a creature born on earth,
From greatest to the small,
But what has cause for thankfulness,
And man above them all.