Page:A Short History of Aryan Medical Science.djvu/80

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[Chap. V.

that is, those who can dispense with sleep at night if they sleep during the clay. Immediately after dinner it is highly injurious either to bask in the sun, sit by the fireside, swim, ride, run, fight, sing, take physical exercise, or study. A sensible man should never have sexual intercourse in the day-time, as that shortens life. After taking a little rest, one may engage himself in his daily avocation. An evening constitutional is particularly recommended, as it makes the senses active, excites the action of the stomach and the skin, and improves the intelligence. When going out, the head should always be protected with a light turban, and the feet with shoes. It is not safe to put on shoes, clothes, and garlands used by others.*[1] An umbrella may be used in the hot and rainy seasons. One should never be without a walking-stick, as it protects him against beasts, prevents fatigue, and "adds dignity to the individual." He should not look at the reflection of himself in water, nor should he enter the water stark naked. One is to be always industrious, and should never neglect the calls of nature. An old

  1. * This advice shows that the Hindoos were not blind to the risk of contagion.