Page:A Short History of Aryan Medical Science.djvu/81

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Chap. V.]

man, a pandit, a doctor, a king and a guest should always be respected. The organs of sense should be neither overtaxed nor allowed to remain idle. It is harmful to see the rising or the setting sun, to carry any burden on the head, or to sleep on a torn bed or under a tree.

Such a line of conduct is conducive to long life, health, and fame. Having taught how to behave during the day-time, the ancient Hindoo writers on medicine have laid down rules of life to be observed during the night. They direct that dinner, cohabitation, sleep, study and walking in the street, are not to be indulged in at sunset. The chances of enjoying the moon-light should not be missed, as it is cool and soothing, and increases the sexual appetite and powers. Supper should always be light. Curds are to be avoided at night, and must never be used without the addition of some salt. Sexual intercourse should be in moderation only. With the Hindoos the object of the marital relation is not so much the gratification of the animal passion as the fulfilment of an obligation. It is enjoined on them to beget a progeny — a putra (son), or a putri (daughter). The word "putra" is