Page:A Skeleton Outline of Greek History.djvu/10

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und seine Zeit—is an admirable guide. Lastly, in regard to Alexander, I have used Droysen and Grote.

For part of the Literary chronology, I have drawn largely on an admirable paper by Diels in the Rheinisches Museum.

The outlines of Athenian and Lacedaemonian Constitutional History are mainly taken from Schömann's Antiquitates juris publici Graecorum. The chronology of this part of Greek History is often so uncertain, that I did not venture to include it in the tables.

E. A.


B.      A.

Page 37, place 5 Mermnadae. under 22 Heracleids = 505 years.

Page 59, for 765 b.c., ol. 2.3, read 770 b.c., ol. 2.3.

Page 63, for 673 b.c., ol. 27.1, read 672 b.c., ol. 27.1.

Page 71. anno 515, read Miltiades for Miltiades III.

Page 78, anno 459, omit.

Page 81, anno 436, omit Cratinus the comic poet.

Page 84, anno 429, add Death of Pericles.

Page 118, add the Olympiads 101.4 under 373, and 102.1 under 372.