Page:A Treatise concerning the Use and Abuse of the Marriage Bed.djvu/150

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[ 136 ]

Lady. O! I would not be with Child for all the World.

Cou. Not with Child, and not for all the World. What do you mean?

Lady. I mean as I say; if I am with Child, I am undone.

Cou. Why, what are you afraid of? I warrant, you have a Notion that you shall die with the first Child, han't you? Why all the young married Women fancy so.

Lady. No, no, I don't trouble myelf with that, I might do as well as other Women for that; but 'tis an odious, hateful Thing, I abhor the Thoughts of it.

Cou. I never heard the like. Why, what did you marry for?

Lady. Nay, that's true; but every Woman that marries an't with Child presently.

Cou. No not presently, no more are you. Why, you have been this half Year almost?

Lady. Yes, seven Months.

Cou. And not with Child! Why, what have you been doing all this while? Why, it may be, you will never have any?

Lady. Oh! if that could but happen, I should be happy then.

Cou. What do you mean? Are you in earnest?

Lady. Yes, I am in earnest; I would give five hundred Pounds if I could be sure never to have any.

Cou. I could have given you an infallible Method to have prevented it a little while ago.

Lady. What was it, Cousin? Law! you would oblige me infinitely; It is not too late yet, is it?

Cou. My Method was this, Child, not to have been married.
