Page:A Treatise concerning the Use and Abuse of the Marriage Bed.djvu/151

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[ 137 ]

Lady. Phoo, that's saying nothing; besides, you know I had a mind to marry.

Cou. Ay, Cousin, I know yon had, and to be with Child too, as well as other Women. Why not?

Lady. No, I vow and swear to you, I always had an Aversion to the very Thoughts of Children.

Cou. Nay, then you should never have married.

Lady. Well; but I could not help that: I tell you, I had a mind to have a Husband.

Cou. I don't know what to say to you, Cousin. Why, if you had a mind to lie with a Man, you might be sure you would be with Child? Prithee don't talk so simply; why you make a Child of your self, as if you understood nothing.

Lady. But, Cousin, is there no way to prevent it now?

Cou. To prevent it now! Let me see, you say you are sure you are not with Child yet.

Lady. Yes, I am sure I an't.

Cou. Why then, I'll tell you how you shall prevent it.

Lady. Oh how, Cousin! Do, tell me that valuable Secret.

Cou. Why don't let Mr. —— come to you any more, Child.

Lady. Pshaw, that———that won't do. How can I help it?

Cou. Why can't you pretend Indisposition, and lie away from him.

Lady. Ay, that's true, but that is not the Thing, I can't abide that neither; that wouldbe