Page:A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism - Volume 1.djvu/322

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Let be the surface-density of a plane, which we shall suppose to be that of .

The potential due to this electrification will be

Now let two disks of radius be rigidly electrified with surface-densities and . Let the first of these be placed on the plane of with its centre at the origin, and the second parallel to it at the very small distance .

Then it may be shewn, as we shall see in the theory of magnetism, that the potential of the two disks at any point is , where is the solid angle subtended by the edge of either disk at the point. Hence the potential of the whole system will be

The forms of the equipotential surfaces and lines of induction are given on the left-hand side of Fig. XX, at the end of Vol. II.

Let us trace the form of the surface for which . This surface is indicated by the dotted line.

Putting the distance of any point from the axis of , then, when is much less than , and is small,

Hence, for values of considerably less than , the equation of the zero equipotential surface is


Hence this equipotential surface near the axis is nearly flat.

Outside the disk, where is greater than , is zero when is zero, so that the plane of is part of the equipotential surface.

To find where these two parts of the surface meet, let us find at what point of this plane .

When is very nearly equal to

Hence, when

The equipotential surface is therefore composed of a disk-