Page:A View of the State of Ireland - 1809.djvu/213

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all that remaine of them unto the places of the other in Ulster, with all their creete, and what else they have left them, the which I will cause to be divided amongst them in some meete sort, as each may thereby have somewhat to sustaine himselfe a while withall, untill, by his further travaile and labour of the earth, he shalbe able to provide himselfe better.

Eudox. But will you give the land then freely unto them, and make them heires of the former rebells? so may you perhaps make them also heires of all their former villainies and disorders; or how else will you dispose of them?

Iren. Not so: but all the lands will I give unto Englishmen, whom I will have drawne thither, who shall have the same with such estates as shall bee thought meete, and for such rent as shall eft-soones bee rated; under every of those Englishmen will I place some of those Irish to bee tennants for a certaine rent, according to the quantity of such land, as every man shall have allotted unto him, and shalbe found able to wield, wherein this speciall regard shall be had, that in no place under any land-lord there shall bee many of them placed together, but dispersed wide from their acquaintance, and scattered farre abroad thorough all the country: For that is the evill which now I finde in all Ireland, that the Irish dwell altogether by their septs, and severall nations, so as they may practise or conspire what they will; whereas if