Page:A Wild-Goose Chase - Balmer - 1915.djvu/159

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stopped: "Since I no longer do what you say, you're to do what I say, whatever it is. Understand that!"

Latham, without making reply, moved on and disappeared down the companionway to his cabin. The six left on the deck looked into each other's faces.

"Wasn't that right?" McNeal questioned directly of each of the others, and got the direct reply from each till he came to the girl. She gazed at him an instant as he questioned her, and then without answering at all turned away. She went down the companionway which led to her cabin as well as to that shared by Latham and her brother. The men looked after her; then Geoff, with an abrupt word to the rest, followed her.

He found when he came to her cabin that she had not gone in there. The door stood open. She had gone into his cabin, and he heard her voice and Latham's.

"I see," he heard Latham saying to her bitterly; "you counted on something like this. You couldn't lose. If you found him, all right—good-bye to me. If you didn't find him—