Page:A Wild-Goose Chase - Balmer - 1915.djvu/160

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why, put me off again. You never meant to give him up."

"I don't give him up," Margaret's voice replied. "I don't know that I can ever give him up. In that, perhaps, you're right."

"I thought so."

"But wrong in this," her voice went on steadily. "I'll keep my word. I'll pay you."


"My bargain with you was that we were to find Eric or proof that he was alive, or you could claim me. We've found what most people would say was proof that he must be dead; so I acknowledge your right now."


"You have carried out your agreement. You have made the search and we haven't found him. So I will keep my word. I'll marry you when we get home."

Geoff beat upon the door, then opened it and burst in.

"What's this, Margaret?" he cried.

His sister turned to him calmly. She extended her hand to Latham. He took it, gazing at her dazedly.