Page:A catalogue of the Telugu Books in the Library of the British Museum.djvu/158

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291 YENKATA-EAYA- -YENKATA SASTRI 292 translation, etc., by] Y. Venkataraya Sastry.) 1909. 8°. 14080. d. 39. See Kalidasa. e3o,;^?|7'^^sbo©'«5i« . . . Andbra Abliignana Sakuntalamu. [Rendered] by Y. Yenkataraya Sastry. 1896. 8°. 14174. h. 21. See Kalidasa, Pseud. ^sx.^irnSj-'rS g. (Pushpabana vilasa. [Edited with interpretationj paraphrase, and commentary iu Telugu and San- skrit, styled Sringara-chandrika, by] Y. A^enkata Raya Sastry.) 1909. 8°. 14070. cc. 11. ■ — See AI:nkata-kazu, CIi. L. -^^oK^H iS (Sarangadhara clinritra. [Edited with notes by] Y. Yenkataraya Sastry.) 1910. 8°. 14175. a. 42. See YJnkata-r.Izci, Ch. L. S=;cSoS"j-»^si» -^-11 [Yijaya-vilasamu. Edited by Y. S.] 1901. 8°. 14175. b. 2. See Yikram.eka. S^s&^?$'f7--ce^SjS . . . Yikramarka charitram with notes. Yenkataraya Sastry's . . . Series. 1890. 12°. 14058. a. 2. Prataparudriyamu. An original drama in Telugu [in 10 acts on the career of Raja Pratiipa- rudra of Warangal] . . . ^S^"cF'S:6(fe^csb^5j^ TT^io^'siM. pp. xvi. 175, i. Afachas, 1897. 8°. 14174. h. 25. ^i^-j^kol"^^. (Usha. An original Telugu drama [on the myth of the loves of Aniruddlia and Bana's daughter Usha.]) pp. i. i. 70, i. [il/acZras,] 1901. 8°. 14174. h. 29. The English title is from the cover, VENKATA-RAZU, ChPniakftra LalcihrnniidithHi/a- 2>u°., (Yenkata-pati). -^^ord^tS "SQ^^x. (Sa- rangadhara charitra. [A poem in 3 cisvdsas on the legend of Siiraugadhara's temptation and martyrdom, by Yeukata-razu (c. 1630). Edited with notes by] Y. Yenkataraya Sastry.) pp. 3, 18-k iffff?»-a.9, 1910. 8°. 14175. a, 42. Yijaya vilasamu [or Subhadra-parinaya- namu. A poem in 3 lisvanas, interspersed with prose, on the epic legend of the loves of Arjuna and Subhadra, dedicated to Eaja Raghu-natlia Riizu of Tanjore, and composed aljout 1630-40] by Chemakura Yonkataraju. Published [and edited with notes, etc.,] by Sri Raja K. R. Y. Krishn Rau Bahadur. (aK«6aer»?3jS».) pp. xii. 91. Madras, 1901. 8°. 14174. k. 66.(7.) VENKATA-RAZU, Chemahura Lakshmandmdlija- pu°., (Yenkata-pati j {continued). Siaa£>S}v-°7S^ ts.tJb ^iJ<^a^?ooss.^. [Yijaya-vilasamu. Edited by Y. Yenkata-raya Sastri, with a preface by P. Anantii- charyulu.] pp.i.88. Madras, 190. 8°. 14175. b. 2. (^ . . . SacjsSSer'^,^. [Yijaya-vilasamu. Edited with literal interpretation and paraphrase by N. Guru-linga Sastri.] pp. 374. sSoaJ-cr"^ n.^o£- [Madras, 1906.] 8°. 14175. a. 16. VENKATARYA YAJVA, Arasdnlpfdai Barjhu-ndtha- pu°. Sree Pradumnanauda natakara. A Sanskrit dramma [sic'] in six acts [upon the myth of the loves of Pradyumna, Krishna's son, and Maya- vati,] translated [from the Sanskrit] in to Teluqu [si'c] by Divvedi [sic' Brahraananda Sastri. pp. 4, 100. Tmii, S4o5j8,<ssi3-oab [Tiruvattii/nra printed], 1908. 8°. 14174. h. 47.(1.) VENKATA SASTRI, Ahlla, Court Pandit of San- gamwaJsa. See Mrityomjaya Nissanka. ?5?5'£e;-^- r*S-^?rrcjM-7v-c . . . -£i^S^^;ii [Niti-sastra- sahgrahamu. With Telugu interpretation by Yenkata Sastri.] 1878. 12°. 14072. b. 13. VENKATA SASTRI, GlieUapiUa. See Yknkatk- svara Sastki, CIl. VENKATA SASTRI, Indralmnti GopdIa-pu°. ifK. sjf^^S'sw . . . 53-5-^w-° 1^ Q^o%S, [Hari-sukti-tarangini. Being the Bhagavad-gita adapted by Yenkata Sastri into Telugu dvipada verse.] pp. v. 227. Vizogapatam, 1897. 12°. 14174. i. 18. ^o^S^eSa^^^sS^r ?rj^cSbo [sic] [Phala-pra- darsini. A collection of Sanskrit stanzas, partly original, partly compiled from standard astrological works, on the influence of the various positions of the planets. With Telugu paraphrase and commentary.] pp. i. vi. 101. Vizaijapatam, 1898. 8°. 14053. ccc. 22. VENKATA SASTRI, Kctavarapu. See [Addenda] Bhaskarudu, Ethical Poet. s^rSfr-?^*'!! [Bhaskara- satakamu. Edited by Y. S.] 1910. 12°. 14174. i. 37. VENKATA SASTRI, Ydmuzdla SUsha-sdyi-jm"., of JUiddrachahim. i^ • • • ?5^'o&^r-ceij'^5ir.^_^§r- MiSo . . . (^ef^oST'esV's5j»sr6_^§<-iu -30)1) [Akhaiida- gautaral-miihatmyamu. A Puranic compilntion